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He desired to see the girl again, not to warn her of her peril, but because she was piquant and lovely, as befitted her romantic surroundings.

I met Basil Montgomery at Traquair House many years after my papa's election, where we were entertained by Herbert Maxwell the owner of one of the most romantic houses in Scotland, and our most courteous and affectionate neighbour.

We had a most agreeable addition to our party in M. and Madame Arago: he was very civil to us at Paris, and very glad to meet us again. As we were walking to a cascade, he told me most romantic adventures of his in Spain and Algiers, which I will tell you hereafter; but I must tell you now a curious anecdote of Buonaparte.

It all sounds as if it were made in heaven, but I have my doubts. Make the most of that, Aunt Jamesina." Roy asked Anne to marry him in the little pavilion on the harbor shore where they had talked on the rainy day of their first meeting. Anne thought it very romantic that he should have chosen that spot.

"Do; and I need not say how happy I shall be if you succeed. Good- day, friend, good-bye." So saying, the missionary shook hands with the hunter and returned to his house, while Jacques wended his way to the village in search of Harry and Hamilton. Good news and romantic scenery Bear-hunting and its results. Jaques failed in his attempt to break off his engagement with the fur-traders.

Do you mean to say there are no sweet, blushing girls left, with with dreams?" Again his sigh. It pained him to disillusion her. "Not blushing ones. I tell you the color won't stand our modern sterilization process. I misdoubt the dreams, too. If they dream 'em, they're of independence and careers and votes; you wouldn't call those romantic dreams, would you?

"That's all very pretty, but it 's all gammon in my opinion," responded Henry. "The poets are young people who know nothing of how old folks feel, and argue only from their theory of the romantic fitness of things. I believe that reminiscence takes up a very small part of old persons' time.

The yodling was part of their business, as was the costume. Later, when she had enough saved, she would study in Vienna for grand opera! He was enraptured. How romantic it all was! A free-born maiden he was certain she was reared in some old castle wandering about earning money for her musical education. What a picture for a painter! What a story for a novelist! They were interrupted.

I likewise prefer it to 'The Scarlet Letter'; but an author's opinion of his book just after completing it is worth little or nothing, he being then in the hot or cold fit of a fever, and certain to rate it too high or too low. "It has undoubtedly one disadvantage in being brought so close to the present time; whereby its romantic improbabilities become more glaring.

The lawless and disobedient deportment of Charles's paladins, instances of which are so frequent in the romantic legends, was also a trait of the declining empire, but not of that of Charlemagne.