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With the dissolution of the earth on which we live, which event has just been described, it is evident that the many lines of prophecy leading up to that great event are no longer under special consideration, but that a new theme subsequent to the judgment scene is introduced with the words of the Revelator immediately following "I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea."

But five are fallen, that is five kings or five monarchial governments are fallen at the time which the Revelator saw, that is, at the time, when the woman was sitting on the Beast having seven heads and ten horns.

Brigham sought to establish himself as the leader of the Church. Many years, however, passed away before he dared assume or claim to be the rightful successor of Joseph, the Seer, Prophet, and Revelator to the Church. When the time arrived, according to Brigham's own words, for Joseph to receive his own, Joseph came, but Brigham received him not. He said that Joseph lacked the true spirit.

For expressing such an opinion of Smith to elders and teachers and adding that Smith was not fit to act as Prophet, Seer and Revelator, since, according to his own confession to the Senate Committee he was "living in sin" for expressing these opinions, charges were preferred against Smurthwaite by an elder named Goddard of Ogden City, and excommunication proceedings were begun against him.

And Ammon said that a seer is a revelator and a prophet also; and a gift which is greater can no man have, except he should possess the power of God, which no man can; yet a man may have great power given him from God.

In these states of mind we find the philosopher, the idealist, the emotionalist, the psychist, the sensitive, the intuitionist, the revelator, the transcendentalist and the seer. Watching race evolution we see that the day of surface consciousness and its power is waning only as it is controlled and manipulated through the subjective states of man's mind.

He was Gregory, that means a watchman, as prophets are called, and he stands as prophet, in the full number XVI, which is as remarkable in the developments of Popery as the number 666, so that the disciples of the Revelator were debating, whether the spirit had given to their master the number 666, or the number 16 in Revel. xiii: 18, till the spirit had shown by our instrumentality, that the number 666 is the principal number in counting the name and the periods of the duration of the government of that Beast, but the number 16 comprehends many of its deep mysteries.

But they died full of faith, murmuring little, and having for their chief regret, apparently, that they must be left on the plains or mountains, instead of resting in the consecrated ground of Zion this, and that they must die without looking upon the face of their prophet, seer, and revelator. Their leader cheered them as best he could.

It may be a "God bless you" from some one who thinks herself hardly in a position to address you. It may be the discovery of a plot for your damage, in which the revelator does not care to take the responsibility of a witness. It may be any one of a thousand things that mean frankness and delicacy and honor and Christian principle.

For when one drinks too deeply of the cup of tyranny the lees are apt to be like the little book the Revelator ate sweet as honey in the mouth and bitter in the belly. That evening at the supper-table he had one nerve-racking fear dispelled and another confirmed by his mother's reply to a question put by his father. "Yes; the Major sent for me again this afternoon.