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'If I could but get her to take this draught, said the surgeon. 'Stop! moisten her lips first, said Sidonia. They placed the draught to her mouth; in a moment she put forth her hand as if to repress them, then opened her eyes again, and sighed. 'She is herself, said the surgeon. 'Lucretia! said the Marquess. 'Sidonia! said the Marchioness.

By the Catholics he was accused of having instigated the excesses which he had done everything in his power to repress. The enormities of De la Marck, which had inspired the Prince's indignation, were even laid at the door of him who had risked his life to prevent and to chastise them.

The arrangements of the infant school, also, seem designed for the same purpose to repress as much as possible the infantile desire for amusement. Not that this was their original, nor that it now is their legitimate intention.

It was ten o'clock the next morning before he appeared at breakfast, and it was plain, even to the thrush on the lawn outside, that he had bestowed an elaboration upon his toilet that suggested either a duel or a wedding. Madame de Morteyn hid her face, for she could not repress the smile that tormented her sweet mouth. Even the vicomte said: "Oh! You're not off for Paris, Jack, are you?"

It required all Blanche's determination to repress a gesture of fright and of disgust; but, in a resolute tone, she replied: "Yes, it is true that I have a favor to ask you." "Ah, ha! I supposed so." "A mere trifle which will cost you no trouble and for which you shall be well paid."

We, for our part, cannot repress a feeling of disgust at the loungers in the street, who, XXVI. tells us, are all going to soak themselves half the day in the baths yonder; for, if there is in Pompeii one thing more offensive than another to our savage sense of propriety, it is the personal cleanliness of the inhabitants.

The lady whom the Empress addressed could scarcely repress a laugh at this singular request, and assured her Majesty that there was nothing similar to that now in her wardrobe; to which the Empress replied, with an air of regret, that she would have really liked to see again one of her old reticules, and that the years hall brought great changes.

Moss's eyes filled as she saw the rusty band, and guessed why it was there; but she found it difficult to repress a smile when she beheld the cambric symbol of woe on the dog's neck.

If a man permits his life to run riot and only the animal side of his nature is allowed to express itself, he is repressing his highest and best, and the qualities not used atrophy and die. Men are punished by their sins, not for them. Sensuality, gluttony, and the life of license repress the life of the spirit, and the soul never blossoms; and this is what it is to lose one's soul.

It will accomplish precisely what is indicated by the look and language of our two young friends at the station-house. It will develop muscle for the uses of a special calling, and make ugly and clumsy men of those who should be symmetrical; and at the same time it will repress mental development, and permanently limit mental growth at least, so long as the mind shall be associated with the body.