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"If it wasn't for my daughter " he said. "But, damn it all, what can I do?" "I wonder," said Gorman, "if it would be possible to well, shall we say regularize the situation?" He looked inquiringly at Donovan and then at the King. Donovan grasped the idea first. "That's it," he said. "Look here," he turned to the King. "Why the hell don't you marry her at once? Then everything would be all right."

Without delaying her work, Rachel made the protector of the house very welcome. Obviously she was in a high state of agitation. For an instant Louis feared that the agitation was due to anxiety on account of Mrs. Maldon. "Nothing serious up with the old lady, is there?" he asked, pinching the cigarette to regularize the tobacco in it. "Oh, no!"

The respite given to the garrison by Joubert, who did not attack until November 9, allowed opportunity to regularize and further to develop the system of defence, so that on November 6 a press censor telegram, brought out successfully by a Kaffir runner, read, "Position here now believed to be entirely safe; greatly strengthened in the last twenty-four hours."

This is the latent temper of the British countryside, and the sooner the authorities take it in hand and regularize it the better will be the outlook in the remote event of that hypothetical raid getting home to us. Levity is a national characteristic, but submissiveness is not.

She must want to regularize her position. Or is he not in love with her at all?" On which cogitations there fell presently the strokes of many bells tolling midnight, and left them still unresolved.

For the first, since Home Rule could not be brought into operation, he must secure recognition of the National Volunteers, must establish and regularize their status; for the second, he must obtain recruits as Ireland's contribution to the war. The two proposals were in his view and indeed were in reality inseparably connected.

We are at our villa in the Schwannallée my stepmother and I, that is. She added some details, and Davies gravely pencilled down the address on a leaf of the log-book; a formality which somehow seemed to regularize the present position. 'We shall be at Norderney to-morrow, he said.

You mustn't write anything until I see you, but in order to regularize things a bit I've spoken to the Chief and formally asked his permission to consult you on the case about the Egyptian figures, you know. He remembered you at once, so it's all square. But I've got a bone to pick with you." "What is that?" "Never mind now. Can you meet me at the Red House at five o'clock?" "Yes.