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He questioned with himself whether it might not be well to crush him at once, and so perhaps do away with the evil of which he was the emblem. "I felt a strange disposition to crush this monster at first," remarked the priest, as if he knew what Redclyffe was thinking of, "a feeling that in so doing I should get rid of a mischief; but then he is such a curious monster.

His progress, in consequence, was so slow, that in an hour, while Redclyffe was off and on looking at him, he had scarcely done anything perceptible. Then he was so minute; and often, when he was on the point of leaving one thing to take up another, some small neglect that he saw or fancied called him back again, to spend other minutes on the same task. He was so full of scruples.

It was one of the seasons when a whole gush of fresh perceptions of his feelings, like a new meeting with himself, would come on her, her best of joys; and there she stood, gazing fixedly, her black veil fluttering in the wind, and her hands pressed close together, till Philip, little knowing what the sight was to her, shivered, saying it was very cold and windy, and without hesitation she turned away, feeling that now Redclyffe was precious indeed.

Heaven intended the past as a foundation for the present, to keep it from vibrating and being blown away with every breeze." "But," said Redclyffe, "I would not see in my country what I see elsewhere, the Past hanging like a mill-stone round a country's neck, or encrusted in stony layers over the living form; so that, to all intents and purposes, it is dead."

In truth, Redclyffe was struck and amused with the rudeness, the slovenliness, the inartistic quality of the English speakers, who rather seemed to avoid grace and neatness of set purpose, as if they would be ashamed of it.

Till he had referred to Lady Morville, he would not make any demonstration towards Redclyffe, and evaded all his sister's questions as to what he was doing about it, and when he should take measures for leaving the army, or obtaining a renewal of the baronetcy. Anxiety made him look daily more wretchedly haggard; the Doctor was at fault, Mrs.

And Redclyffe wondered whether, in the extremity of age, he himself would like to be one of the brethren of the Leopard's Head.

He advanced to the Warden, who received him with distinction, and yet, Redclyffe fancied, not exactly with cordiality.

In the meantime, Charles and Amabel saw no immediate prospect of their party returning from Ireland, and thought it best to remain at Redclyffe, since Philip had so much to do there; and besides, events were occurring at Kilcoran which would have prevented his visit, even without his illness.

Such was the darkness, that he could not see the form of the window, till a sheet of pale blue lightning brought it fully out for the moment. He sat up, and listened to the 'glorious voice' that followed it, thought what an awful night at sea, and remembered when he used to fancy it would be the height of felicity to have a shipwreck at Redclyffe, and shocked Mrs.