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This, or the reverse, which we believe might happen any year, and could certainly not be detected without far more accurate observations and calculations for the mean sea-level than any hitherto made, would slacken or quicken the earth's rate as a timekeeper by one- tenth of a second per year."

He said to Norman sharply: "You say you have broken with the woman?" "She has broken with me," replied Norman. "At any rate, everything is broken off." "Apparently." "Then there is no reason why the marriage should not go on." He turned to his daughter. "If you understood men, you would attach no importance to this matter. As you yourself said, the woman isn't a lady isn't in our class.

She found plenty to do; for the young men liked to have their things brought home by a lovely little person like the trumpeter's wife, in her neat fresh attire. A special friendship soon established itself between her and Trautvetter. She looked upon the plump volunteer as a good-natured person, who did not, at any rate now, show any of the evil characteristics imputed to him by her husband.

The journey before the home-seekers was about 100 miles, and at the slow rate of progress they were compelled to make, it was necessarily a long and arduous task. Some few of the women were a little nervous, but the majority had thoroughly fallen in with the general feeling and were enthusiastic in the extreme.

She mightn't have wished to get him, but she wished to show him, and I seemed to read that if she could treat him as a trophy her affairs were rather at the ebb. True there always hung from her belt a promiscuous fringe of scalps. Much at any rate would have come and gone since our separation in July.

"I think he is quite the handsomest man I have seen, and he has the manners of an Englishman. I wonder where he got them from." "I don't know," Stafford returned. "These people have a wonderful trick of picking up things. At any rate he realizes Miss Cary's curious description beautiful; though, with Miss Berry, I do not care for the word as applied to a man.

"Some of them," admitted Cleigh. "At any rate, enough to make you accept a bad situation with good grace?" "You're a foolhardy man, Cunningham. Do you expect me to lie down when this play is over? I solemnly swear to you that I'll spend the rest of my days hunting you down." "And I solemnly swear that you shan't catch me.

The girl remained obediently with her cousin Fred, while Frank went off at a run towards the group. "Frank orders you about just as if you were his fag," Fred said, with a smile which had in it something of a sneer. "I don't mind," the girl said staunchly, "it's Frank's way, and I like it; at any rate one always knows what Frank means, and he always means well."

Invincibly attached herself to the marriage tie, she would constantly speak of it as by no means necessarily binding on others; and, virtuous herself as any griffin of propriety, she constantly patronised, at any rate, the theory of infidelity in her neighbours.

My mind is a store-room of obsolete information. Oberville. Why obsolete, since I am providing you with a use for it? Isabel. At any rate, it's open to question whether it was worth storing for that length of time. Especially as there must have been others more fitted by opportunity to undertake the duty. Oberville. The duty? Isabel. Of remembering how you like your tea.