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We had an excellent and beautiful pointer, called Hero, a great favourite, who generally lived in the garden, but at the first clap of thunder he used to rush howling indoors, and place his face on my knee. Then my father, who laughed not a little at our fear, would bring a glass of wine to my mother, and say, "Drink that, Peg; it will give you courage, for we are going to have a rat-tat-too."

What, 'an wuld ye dare strike a servant o' the Lord? Let the deliverer appear, I say," he shouted, weaving in commands to us as he dealt stout blows about him and receded down the river bank. "Take that and that and that," I heard him shout, with a rat-tat-too of sharp thuds from the staff accompanying each word.

But giving that usually orderly hall an odd look it was about half-past two in the afternoon was a pile of three dirty plates, with used knives and forks upon them, on one of the hall chairs. I went into the hall, looked into either room, and hesitated. Then I fell to upon the door-knocker and gave a loud rat-tat-too, and followed this up with an amiable "Hel-lo!"

One afternoon while I was struggling over my theme, Berta threw a snowball against my window, flew up the dormitory steps, sped down the corridor, gave a double rat-tat-too on my door, and burst in without waiting for an answer. "Listen! Quick! I have an idea. It struck me out by the hedge. Why not study manners as well as character? Why not divide " "Go away.

I hurriedly explained my situation. He gave me the word; it was Eugene; countersign, Marlborough. This satisfied the Coach-Cerberus, and I passed into bed without further mishap. The first sound I heard the next morning was the rat-tat-too of a drum. "There goes that d d coachman again," I said to myself, and turned over for another nap; but a shrill bugle-call brought me to my seat.