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"Are you allergic to energine?" "No, that'll be fine." Dana would have refused such a dose if she'd expected to have to go through the aftereffects; energine would keep you going through almost anything, but you paid the price later and she was also on rapid-heal, which made demands of its own. But both would be academic in a few hours.

"Fortunately you were found before your attackers did anything life-threatening to you, though some of your injuries could be classified as moderately serious for a Terran. I do have you on rapid-heal, since there was no infection. Except for your broken bones, you should be recovered in two weeks; those will take three to four."

"Not as often as I'd like, but the one who fed on me says they don't take chances on their donors' health; even if I dose with rapid-heal, which I intend to, I'm not allowed to donate more than once every four tendays. What they call a Class Four Donor." That seemed to be about average, Thompson found. Gottfried was a Class Three, King a Class One, and all the rest were Fours like Nkomo.

Though the man had definitely been in serious pain, Nevan had inflicted no real damage beyond bruises; when the man woke, he'd be able to function normally. Nevan was tempted to clean the man up, put him to bed, and dose him with rapid-heal but that wasn't how one with his cover occupation would act. Instead, he got an injector of energine and triggered it into the businesser's carotid artery.

And their bites itch worse than rapid-heal. You could've warned me, you know." "Warn you of insect bites?" Hovan shook his head. "Insect bites are no danger. What warning should I have given?" "Ummm. I guess none, really. You probably wouldn't even notice them, and I didn't have any repellent. But some Ter . . . uh, humans can be killed by bug bites.

He swam straight out, with a leisurely sidestroke that took him in the direction of the resort across the lake. He had no intention of going that far, or of seeing anyone except his bodyguards; a week in a tank of rapid-heal, followed by over a month of therapy and constant attention, left him with a strong desire for some privacy.

Since miracle-weed is the only source of several valuable pharmaceuticals including rapid-heal, the Emperor sent Medart in to see if anything could be salvaged. "He somehow got the idea that the cloudcats originated in a warmer climate than Ondrian's.

He checked the condition of his friend, James Medart; if Kranath hadn't assured him Jim would live, Tarlac would have been sorely tempted to intervene. Knowing the older Ranger was in critical condition hadn't prepared him for the sight of Jim hooked up to a roomful of life-support machinery, not in even a low-grav bed but submerged in a tank of rapid-heal solution.

Not attractive at all to Medart's way of thinking then but the big male was hurt and in obvious pain; he'd knelt, intending to help, only to be torn almost in two by the Traiti's claws and teeth. And, he found out when he was allowed to regain consciousness after that week of immersion in rapid-heal, it had been for nothing.