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She looked down on him thoughtfully, and he let his admiration of her free young poise show in his face. "I suppose things have changed?" she said. "Never was such an age of transition." She wondered what to. Mr. Ramage did not know. "Sufficient unto me is the change thereof," he said, with all the effect of an epigram.

"You are more than kind," he murmured. "But I think. . . ." Mr. Baxter waved his hand. "I mean no offence," he said. "But that man Ramage is one of the men who are going to ruin this country. . . ." "Funnily enough, Mr. Baxter, he seems to be of the opinion that you are one of the men who have already done so." The millionaire, in no wise offended, roared with laughter.

Ann Veronica thought the whole affair rather jolly. Ritter sold better food than most of his compatriots, and cooked it better, and Ramage, with a fine perception of a feminine palate, ordered Vero Capri.

And, in addition, she was now seeing and talking to Ramage almost weekly, on a theory which she took very gravely, that they were exceptionally friends.

Are all the sections of a township of the same size? Explain. Section 1. VARIOUS LOCAL SYSTEMS. J.H.V. Studies, I., vi., Edward Ingle, Parish Institutions of Maryland; I., vii., John Johnson, Old Maryland Manors; I., xii., B.J. Ramage, Local Government and Free Schools in South Carolina; III., v.-vii., L.

"With those men as the leaders who have shown that they can lead," said Vane doggedly. "They will come to the top in the future as they have in the past. . . ." "By all manner of means," cried Ramage.

In times of unrest power comes automatically more and more into the hands of the man who can talk; men like Ramage, and others of his kidney.

But if we close our eyes to the fact that Ramage, when he gave way to these excesses, was a young man and ought to have known better, what an agreeable companion we find him! He never rails at anything. Had I been subjected to half the annoyances he endured, my curses would have been loud and long.

Both the numerical proportions of evergreens to other greens, and the scheme of their distribution, are quite as correct and effective for contrast and background to the transient foliage and countless flowers of July as amid the bare ramage of January. Summer and winter alike, the gravest items among them all, the conifers, retain their values even in those New Orleans gardens.

This intercourse, which had been planned to warm Ann Veronica to a familiar affection with Ramage, was certainly warming Ramage to a constantly deepening interest in Ann Veronica. He felt that he was getting on with her very slowly indeed, but he did not see how he could get on faster. He had, he felt, to create certain ideas and vivify certain curiosities and feelings in her.