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"But hoo can ye tak it a', or even ony fair share o' 't, gien up there ye stan' and confess? Ye maun hae some care o' the lass that is, gien efter and a' ye're gaein to mak o' her yer wife, as ye profess. And what are ye gaein to turn yer han' til neist, seem ye hae a'ready laid it til the pleuch and turnt back?" "To the pleuch again, mother the rael pleuch this time!

Well, he looks well; but he is 'a broke hoss. He reminds you of Sam Slick; cause when you see a hoss, you think of his master: but he don't remind you of the rael 'Old Clay, that's a fact. "Take a day here, now in town; and they are so identical the same, that one day sartificates for another.

I don't know as I ever enjoyed one half so much afore. It had a rael first chop flavour had that cigar. "'When that was done, sais I, 'What do you say to another? 'Well, I don't know, sais I, 'I should like it, that's a fact; but holdin' of my head crooked up chimbly that way, has a' most broke my neck; I've got the cramp in it like.

If you can't help it no how, you can fix it, do it in three days; one to come, one to see, and one to go. If you do that, and make the fust late, and the last airly, you'll get through it; for it won't only make a day and a half, when sumtotalized. We'll fancy it, that's better than the rael thing, any time.

'It's a rael bonny nicht! said Kirsty, 'and we'll jist tak oor time to turn the thing ower that is, gien ye bena tired, Francie. Come, we'll put the beastie up first. She led the horse into the dark stable, took his bridle off, put a halter on him, slackened his girths, and gave him a feed of corn all in the dark; which things done, she and her lover set out for the Horn.

"A'm the last o' the auld schule, an' a' ken as weel as onybody thet a' wesna sae dainty an' fine-mannered as the town doctors. Ye took me as a' wes, an' naebody ever cuist up tae me that a' wes a plain man. Na, na; ye've been rael kind an' conseederate a' thae years." "Weelum, gin ye cairry on sic nonsense ony langer," interrupted Drumsheugh, huskily, "a'll leave the hoose; a' canna stand it."