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"It was an accident purely an accident," said Lieutenant Larson, suavely. "It could not be helped." "Accident? You done it on puppose, that's what you did!" cried Hank, glaring at Uncle Ezra. "You done it on puppose, and I'll sue ye for damages, that's what I'll do! That Baldwin apple tree was one of the best in my orchard." "Well, we didn't mean to do it," declared Mr. Larabee.

"La now, misus," said matter-of-fact Aun' Suke, again shaking with mirth at the idea, "you got mo' edication 'n me. Wat de use bein' blin' des on puppose? Hit's broad sun-up. Why not des look at tings ez dey iz? Sabe a heap ob trouble. Yere, you lil niggahs, hep right smart or you neber get yo' breakfas'." Mrs.

"Gentlemen," he remarked "an' at that I'm givin' you two all the best of it, even if you two have got a quit-claim deed that you ain't pirates I wish to announce that if you two have come aboard my ship for the puppose o' havin' a little fun at my expense, I'm a-goin' to call the police an' have you arrested for disturbin' the peace.

"Why, they've made sech a to-do over findin' that gold piece in Hope Drugg's possession, that they don't dare go on an' prosercute the schoolmaster nossir!" "Bully!" exclaimed the thoughtless Marty. "That's all right, then." "But but," objected Janice, with trembling lip, "that doesn't clear Nelson at all!" "It answers the puppose," proclaimed Uncle Jason.

"But dis yere lodge is gwine have a more 'portant puppose 'en jes' to fune'lize de daid," protested Sister Eldora. "We aims to do somethin' fur de livin' whilst yet dey's still alive. Curious you ain't tuck notice of de signs of de times ez dey's been expounded 'mongst de people by Doct' Duvall. He sho' kin 'splain things in a way to mek you a true believer."