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They had but one strip of rubber sheeting between them and the snow, for the water had gotten into the sleeping bags. Their clothes dried upon them with the heat of their bodies. They said nothing for a while, and Wyllard was half asleep when Charly spoke. "I've been thinking about that boat," he remarked. "Though I don't know that we could have done it, we ought to have tried to pull her out."

This is the clearest case of going back on an old friend I ever saw. If this is the way you fellows get scared because a sham reformer gets up and hollers against the road, then I want to serve notice on you that I'm not made of that kind of stuff. When I go into a fight, I go in to stay, and you can't pull me out by the coat-tails in favour of a saint who's never done a lick of work for the road.

We fidget about the earth as if we were children, that could not read, left in a library; and, like them, we do mischief. And that is just what we are: children that have not learnt to read let loose upon the library of the universe; and all that we can do is to pull the books about and play games with them and scribble on their pages.

The physical work for quiet is only helpful as it makes the body a better instrument for the mind and for the will. A quiet body is of no use if it contains an unquiet mind which is going to pull it out of shape or start it up in agitation at the least provocation. In such a case, the quiet body in its passive state is only a more responsive instrument to the mind that wants to raise a dust.

The heart of Termes leaped for joy: he gave private orders to the hostler to pull the shoes off some of the horses, that he might not be forced away from this place before he had satisfied his craving appetite. Soon after, a number of violins and hautboys, attended by all the mob of the town, entered the court.

I can't yet see my way in a world empty of Lance. But we must help each other, Rose not pull two ways. Don't bother to write long explanations. Things will be easier face to face. "Yours ever, ROY." "Yours ever," ... Did he mean that? He certainly meant the rest.

Kittredge has been dickering with him I don't mind telling you that now." "What is the nature of the pull?" "Votes," said Gantry succinctly. "Straight or crooked?" "You may search me. But knowing Tom Gryson a little, I should put my money on the marked card." "Naturally," said Blount dryly. "Still, I am needing to be shown.

As to loving parliamentary government, he would probably say that he cannot regard a system as final which, while attaching to the front of the chariot of progress a full team to pull it forward, attaches another team to the rear to pull it backward.

But the floods, of course, threw this system somewhat out of gear, and he who after the floods had escaped without much damage to his property had a pretty good pull upon his neighbour whose worldly belongings had been carried away by the swollen waters. Bligh, there is no doubt, did the right thing at this time.

In a twinkling the necessary orders were given, the Bertha Hamilton lost way and rounded to, and a boat manned by six sailors was dropped from the davits on the lee side. "Pull away smartly now, my lads," called the mate as he took the tiller-ropes.