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It was a rule of the union that when a man ceased to work in the iron, steel or tin trades he forfeited his membership. However, the boys thought that Mahlon M. Garland a puddler who went to Congress and myself had done noteworthy service to the labor cause, and they passed a resolution permitting us to remain in the organization. Mr.

I am no scholar, but if Wells will take suggestions from an iron puddler, I offer him these random thoughts. This generation is rich because the preceding generation stored up lots of capital. We are living in the houses and using the railroads that our fathers built by working overtime. When labor loafs on the job it makes itself poor. We are not building fast enough to keep ourselves housed.

When I talk to my girls' club, I can honestly say that I know some of their trials. I talked to a mothers' meeting the other day, about simple dressing and simple clothes for children, and they knew I had three children and no more money than they. And they know that my husband began his business career as a puddler, just as their sons are beginning now.

God has given you stronger powers than many men, me, for instance." May stopped, heated, glowing with his own magnanimity. And it was magnanimous. The puddler had drunk in every word, looking through the Doctor's flurry, and generous heat, and self-approval, into his will, with those slow, absorbing eyes of his. "Make yourself what you will. It is your right." "I know," quietly.

He meant to cure this world-cancer with a steady eye that had never glared with hunger, and a hand that neither poverty nor strychnine-whiskey had taught to shake. In this morbid, distorted heart of the Welsh puddler he had failed. Eighteen centuries ago, the Master of this man tried reform in the streets of a city as crowded and vile as this, and did not fail.

It knows that beyond there waits for it odorous sunlight, quaint old gardens, dusky with soft, green foliage of apple-trees, and flushing crimson with roses, air, and fields, and mountains. The future of the Welsh puddler passing just now is not so pleasant.

But you expected that, from the fact that I am telling the story. The man that tells the story always comes out a winner. Now that I was a master puddler, I faced the problem of finding a furnace of my own. I saw no chance in Sharon. Furnaces passed from father to son, so I could not hope to get one of the furnaces controlled by another family.

Suppose some master puddler of humanity could gather thousands of men into a melting-pot, a fraternity whose purpose was to boil out the envy, greed and malice as much as possible, and purify the good metal of human sympathy. How much greater the social value of these men would be.

Wolfe laughed, too, in a senseless way. "I think I'll get out," he said. "I believe his brain's touched," said Haley, when he came out. The puddler scraped away with the tin for half an hour. Still Deborah did not speak. At last she ventured nearer, and touched his arm. "Blood?" she said, looking at some spots on his coat with a shudder. He looked up at her.