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I urge the Persian, Indian, Australian, Egyptian and Iráqí National Assemblies to extend the utmost assistance, to arrange schedules, publicize the Faith wherever advisable and direct local assemblies to utilize every means in their power to add momentum to the most ambitious undertaking yet embarked upon by the followers of Bahá’u’lláh during the one hundred ten years of Bahá’í history.

But their curiosity was stronger than their discretion, and the door remained a trifle ajar. The magistrate began the discussion. "The case seems firm enough. It's fortunate Dr. Ryan acted so quickly, with some of the people getting nervous. Perhaps it might be wise to publicize our verdict." "My thought exactly," Blane agreed.

To publicize the Faith and disseminate its literature; to lend an ever-increasing impetus to the multiplication and consolidation of its nascent institutions; to accelerate the incorporations of firmly established assemblies; to overcome by any means in their power the obstacles obstructing the completion of their national administrative headquarters; to persevere in their efforts to guide, encourage and strengthen the community of their brethren in Austria; to prosecute with diligence and determination the Plan they have initiated; to remove, once and for all, every trace of inharmony and of misunderstanding which may linger among some of the members of the community; to forge fresh links with the newly fledged assemblies in the goal countries of the European continent and their subsidiary institutions; to reinforce the ties binding them in particular, to their sole sister national assembly in Europe and other Bahá’í national assemblies in generalthese may be regarded as the outstanding and immediate obligations devolving upon the national elected representatives of a community which in the concluding period of the Heroic Age of the Faith has been made the recipient of such marked blessings and favours from the Center of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant, which on the morrow of His ascension played so notable a part in preserving the integrity of the Cause of God and in establishing the agencies of its rising Administrative Order, which demonstrated in the course of the prolonged ordeal it subsequently experienced, its tenacity, fidelity and exemplary devotion, and which is now preparing itself for the gigantic tasks that await to be accomplished by its valiant members in so large a section of the European and Asiatic continents.

I was trying to find some place to publicize Crash, a print zine I'd recently made electronic versions of. So I summarized the relevant info from a couple dozen e-zines and created the first version of this list. In the four years I've been publishing the list, the Net has changed dramatically, in style as well as scale.

Convinced that the National Woman Suffrage Association must publicize its existence and its value, Susan began the year 1870 with a convention in Washington which even Senator Sumner praised as exceeding in interest anything he had ever witnessed there.

Here many radicals, social reformers, and spiritualists gathered, among them Stephen Pearl Andrews, who soon made use of Victoria and her Weekly to publicize his dream of a new world order, the Pantarchy, as he called it.

When he began to publicize his conviction of the numerical equilibrium between spent and created energy, he met with so much scepticism, even derision, that from sheer despair his mind at times became clouded. Mayer's spiritual kin are not to be found among the heat-theorists of his time, such as Helmholtz and others, but among thinkers of the stamp of Goethe, Howard and Ruskin.

Advise publicize announcement through Public Relations Committee. —Shoghi Announce to friends of East and West the following: furnishing Mazra’ih, completion of restoration of historic house of Bahá’u’lláh in Acre, scene of prolonged afflictions sustained by Founder of Faith, as well as supreme crisis suffered by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at hands of Covenantbreakers.