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Dean had introduced some young girls, professors' daughters, and they had come and taken her driving and to tea, and she had seen him every day, many times a day, at guard mounting, drill, pontooning or parade, or on the hotel piazzas, but only to look at or speak to for a minute, for of course she was "only a child," and there were dozens of society girls, young ladies, to whom he had to be attentive, especially a very stylish Miss Brockway, from New York, with whom he walked and danced a great deal, and whom the other girls tried to tease about him.

Effects of Missionary Efforts Belief in the Deity Ideas of the Bakwains on Religion Departure from their Country Salt-pans Sour Curd Nchokotsa Bitter Waters Thirst suffered by the wild Animals Wanton Cruelty in Hunting Ntwetwe Mowana-trees Their extraordinary Vitality The Mopane-tree The Morala The Bushmen Their Superstitions Elephant-hunting Superiority of civilized over barbarous Sportsmen The Chief Kaisa His Fear of Responsibility Beauty of the Country at Unku The Mohonono Bush Severe Labor in cutting our Way Party seized with Fever Escape of our Cattle Bakwain Mode of recapturing them Vagaries of sick Servants Discovery of grape-bearing Vines An Ant-eater Difficulty of passing through the Forest Sickness of my Companion The Bushmen Their Mode of destroying Lions Poisons The solitary Hill A picturesque Valley Beauty of the Country Arrive at the Sanshureh River The flooded Prairies A pontooning Expedition A night Bivouac The Chobe Arrive at the Village of Moremi Surprise of the Makololo at our sudden Appearance Cross the Chobe on our way to Linyanti.

Afterward, when I was hauling logs for pontooning, on the Goulburn, I kept buying up steers and breaking them in, till I had two twelves; and one day I left sixteen of them standing in yoke while I went looking round for a good log; and suddenly I heard a crash that rattled back and forward across the river for a quarter of an hour.

People flock into cafés, the arcades of the Palais Royal, and splendid covered passages; and as soon as the rain ceases, scores of planks are thrown across the gutters in the centre of the streets, which species of pontooning is rewarded by the sous and centimes of the passengers.