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She herself had been living on the other side of the water but had got tired of it and had moved into these rooms only two weeks ago. She was not settled yet. Her name was Mme Poisson. "And mine," said Gervaise, "is Coupeau." Gervaise was a little suspicious of all this courtesy. Might not some terrible revenge be hidden under it all? And she determined to be well on her guard.

This action of crystals had been in part theoretically predicted by Poisson, and actually discovered by Plucker, whose beautiful results, at the period which we have now reached, profoundly interested all scientific men. Faraday had been frequently puzzled by the deportment of bismuth, a highly crystalline metal.

Stuart's Lake yields a small fish termed by the Canadians "poisson inconnu;" it seems as if it were partly white fish and partly carp, the head resembling the former; it is full of small bones, and the flesh soft and unsavoury.

They never dreamed of running into each other like this and even living in the same rooms. Virginie added some further details. Her husband had inherited a little money from an aunt and he would probably set her up in a shop before long. Meanwhile she was still sewing. At length, at the end of a full half hour, the laundress took her leave. Poisson scarcely seemed to notice her departure.

The relation between Curia and Episcopate being thus clearly defined, Benedict appointed a compatriot, Pierre Poisson de Mirepoix, master of the works, and, since about two-thirds of the existing palace dates from Benedict's reign, Pierre Poisson may be regarded as its first architect.

So it was Monday, and Aunt Jane it's me talking again had the tea-party at which you played Poisson d'Or. And when it was finished, Mrs Lucas gave a great sigh, and said 'Poor Georgino! Wasting his time over that rubbish, though she knew quite well that I had given it to you. And so I said, 'Would you call it rubbish, do you think? and she said 'Quite. Every rule of music is violated.

Don't matter a damn if she ain't got over putting hair-oil in her cocktails, like they do at New Orleans we won't fall out about that, either. I don't have to drink 'em. Only thing, she calls a cussed old catfish a 'poisson. That's when we begin to tangle some. But taking it all in all up one side and down the other I never did know before what good cooking meant.

I give an example of an ordinary menu, marked after the fashion of a gentleman's dance programme, from which it will the seen at a glance how much more delightful a dinner would become if you could change your partner as often as your plate. MENU, JUNE 15th, 1894. Plats. Engagements. 1. Hors d'oeuvres . . . . S. S. 2. Soup . . . . . . . . . A. P. S. 3. Poisson . . . . . . . Pinky. 4.

She was really afraid afraid of making herself ill. She finally made the attempt but drew back again hastily. No, she could not; it was quite impossible. Everyone was disappointed, and Virginie went away. Then everyone began to talk of the Poissons. A warrant had been served on them the night before. Poisson was to lose his place.

It would perhaps be rash, with our limited knowledge of minute lunar detail, to assert that Madler over-estimated the brightness of this area, which may have been due to a recent deposit round the orifice of the crater-cone. POISSON. An irregular formation on the W. of Aliacensis, extending about 50 miles from W. to E., but much less in a meridional direction.