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A base action, truly! by which the authority of this most honourable order is defended against the insanity of a most inhuman gladiator. "And to effect the release of this poisoner from blockade." Suppose you retreat; they will all pursue you from all sides. Suppose you stay where you are; you will be caught.

He maintained that he had not poisoned either Mme. de Lamotte or her son; his only crime, he said, lay in having concealed their deaths. Mme; Derues said: "It is Buisson-Souef that has ruined us! I always told my husband that he was mad to buy these properties I am sure my husband is not a poisoner I trusted my husband and believed every word he said."

But the police and the government are both eminently unfitted for that; they lack, essentially, the personal interest which reveals all to him who wants to know all. No human power can prevent an assassin or a poisoner from reaching the heart of a prince or the stomach of an honest man. Passions are the best police."

No doubt it was a considerable factor in the marvellous defence he made of Palmer, the Rugeley poisoner, which, though unsuccessful, was universally considered amongst lawyers to have been a masterpiece of professional skill. Having abandoned the idea of becoming a medical practitioner, as not affording scope for his energetic spirit, he was articled to the late Mr.

"No," I agreed, and fell silent, shivering a little, for there is something horrible and revolting about the poisoner.

I had to do with a band of villains only, with two monsters of consuls, and with the male harlot of rich buffoons, the seducer of his sister, the high-priest of adultery, a poisoner, a forger, an assassin, a thief. The best and bravest citizens implored me to stand up to him. But I reflected that this Fury asserted that he was supported by Pompey and Crassus and Caesar.

'And talking of Clodagh, I went on, 'I shall call you that henceforth, to keep me reminded. So that is your name not Eve but Clodagh, who was a Poisoner, you see? She poisoned a poor man who trusted her: and that is your name now not Eve, but Clodagh to remind me, you most dangerous little speckled viper!

"Rascal!" cried one of the men, with so much violence that several of the passers-by stopped to listen; "you shall have your change when you tell us what you threw in the pot!" "Ha! did he throw anything into the wine-pot?" said one of the passers by. "It is, perhaps, a poisoner," said another. "He ought to be taken up," added a third.

You have done wrong to bring that poisoner here, my lord. You will destroy me." "Listen to me, Frances," replied Lord Roos. "The next step taken by Lady Lake will be fatal to us. There must be no delay, no irresolution on our part, or all is lost. I cannot depend upon myself, or I would not call in another's aid.

"Yes, yes," cried those in the house honest people perhaps, but under the influence of the general panic; "he must be taken up, for he has been throwing poison into the wine-pots." The words "He is a poisoner" soon spread through the group, which, at first composed of three or four persons, increased every instant around the door of the wine-shop.