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'Will you kindly go and tell Doctor Pieri that I am ready? The nun rose with a spring and was at the door in an instant, and in her heart rang such a chorus of glory and rejoicing as not even the angels have heard since the Morning Stars sang together. Of her, I think the most rigid cannot say that she had not endured to the end, for her vow's sake.

'Doctor Pieri and Giovanni Severi. She made a slight movement. 'He carried me! She spoke almost unconsciously, and a very faint glow rose through her paleness, as when white glass is warmed an instant in the mouth of the furnace and then drawn back and quickly cooled again. 'Shall I talk with him before you meet? asked the churchman presently.

I do not know his first name. What is the matter, Sister? The nun had uttered a low exclamation of surprise, which Pieri had heard distinctly. 'Nothing, she answered, controlling her voice. 'Is he a son of the late general of that name? 'I do not know, Sister. He is a friend of the Princess Chiaromonte. Is it all right? I am busy. 'Yes, answered the nun's voice. 'It is all right.

Of course the episode, with all the dramatic possibilities attached to it, appealed to the romantic imaginations of the two Stevensons, and, after the king's departure, they spent the evening in making up a harrowing tale about what would have happened if she had killed him. Among the notable visitors to Vailima was the Italian artist Pieri Nerli, who came to paint Mr.

Angela worked hard, and made such progress that before the two years of her noviciate were over Doctor Pieri said openly that she was the best surgical nurse in the hospital, and one of the best for ordinary illnesses, considering how limited her experience had been.

A broad stripe of sunshine fell across the counterpane below Giovanni's knees, and a sharp twittering and a rushing of wings broke the stillness every few seconds, as the circling swallows flew past the half-open window. 'So you refuse to undergo the operation? Pieri said, after a long pause. 'Is that your last word? Shall I go away and leave you to die?

The portress had a busy morning, even after Doctor Pieri had come and had written out a bulletin which she could show to all comers as an official statement of the injured man's condition.

The motor buzzed away from the door, and reached the Convent of Santa Giovanna d'Aza in a few minutes. The sky had cleared after the rain and the April sun was shining gloriously. Sister Giovanna was the supervising nurse for the week, and in the natural course of her duty it was she who went to the telephone when Doctor Pieri called up the hospital at seven o'clock.

Pieri was in time and caught her before her head struck the pavement; but though he was strong and she was slightly made, the impetus of her fall dragged him down upon one knee. Giovanni could not reach her at once, for the hospital chair with the bars by which it was carried was between them and the foremost of the orderlies stood exactly in his way.

She was at home that evening, as it turned out, and at Pica's request she came to the telephone herself and heard his story. She answered that she would try and get Doctor Pieri to go at once in her own motor, as he had the reputation of being the best surgeon in the city, but that if he could not be found she would send another doctor without delay.