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Surely I have asserted some claim to your pity, at last? I only want more time. With a few months before me with my salary as housekeeper, and the sale of my little valuables, and the proceeds of my work for the picture-dealers I can, and will, replace the money. You are rich. What is a loan of five thousand florins to you?

"Is that all you got for that picture?" I said. "That is all Mr. would advance me upon it," he answered. "I thought he had made enough by me to have risked a little more than that; but picture-dealers Well, never mind. That is enough to give time for twenty things to happen." And no doubt twenty things did happen, but none of them of the sort he meant.

It seemed to say that the glittering shops of the jewellers, the milliners, the confectioners, the florists, the picture-dealers, the furriers, the makers of rare and costly antiquities, retail traders in the luxuries of life, were beneath the notice of a house that had its foundations in the high finance, and was built literally and figuratively in the shadow of St. Petronius' Church.

Sometimes my friends among the picture-dealers say a good word on my behalf to their rich customers, and so pave the way for me in the large towns. Sometimes my prosperous and famous brother artists, hearing of small commissions which it is not worth their while to accept, mention my name, and procure me introductions to pleasant country houses.

Parr, properly heralded, had gone abroad on one of those periodical, though lonely tours that sent anticipatory shivers of delight down the spines of foreign picture-dealers. The faithful Gordon Atterbury was worshipping at the sea, and even Mr. Constable and Mr.

When here comes striding into the court, booted to mid-thigh, spurred and splashed, in a jacket of green cord, the great, famous, and redoubtable Blank; and in a moment the fire kindles again, and the night is witness of our laughter as he imitates Spaniards, Germans, Englishmen, picture-dealers, all eccentric ways of speaking and thinking, with a possession, a fury, a strain of mind and voice, that would rather suggest a nervous crisis than a desire to please.

Harding was glad of this, for his heart was set on a certain drawing by Boucher. "I would sooner you had it, Harding, than anybody else. It would be unendurable if one of those picture-dealers should get it; they'd come round to my house trying to sell it to me again, whereas in your rooms " "Yes," said Harding, "it will be an excuse to come to see me. Well, if I can possibly afford it "

"I have tried to get lessons I went to London on the deck of a steamer, and took a lot of drawings with me tried picture-dealers pawnbrokers Jews Moss, whom you may remember at Gandish's, and who gave me for forty-two drawings, eighteen pounds. I brought the money back to Boulogne. It was enough to pay the doctor, and bury our last poor little dead baby.

As for the picture-dealers, he complained that a canvas of any importance was likely to be displayed after a fashion frankly mercantile, in the show-window of the shop a step which met more than halfway the public demand for free art, but which unjustly caused many an original to be taken for a copy.

Parr, properly heralded, had gone abroad on one of those periodical, though lonely tours that sent anticipatory shivers of delight down the spines of foreign picture-dealers. The faithful Gordon Atterbury was worshipping at the sea, and even Mr. Constable and Mr.