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The grocery stock was pared down to the least that possibly could afford a bare sustenance to Joanna during the absence, which was to last through the usual 'New-f'nland spell. How she would endure the weary time she hardly knew, for the boys had been with her formerly; but she nerved herself for the trial.

Do not let them touch each other. You may lay a fresh, rose leaf on the top of every one. Pare, core, and quarter a dozen large juicy pippins. Strew among them the yellow peel of a large lemon pared very thin; and stew them till tender, in a very small portion of water. Beat six eggs very light, and stir them gradually into a quart of rich milk, alternately with the stewed apple.

Then came three teams, as follows: Lord Ducie's patent cultivator, drawn by an elephant; a skim, drawn by another elephant, and a long wood plough, drawn by eight bullocks. The field being divided into three sections, was thus quickly pared of the turf, the patent cultivator working admirably, and easily drawn by the elephant.

Boil the quinces in a close kettle with the cores and parings, in sufficient water to cover them. In half an hour take, them out, spread them to cool, and add to the cores and parings some small inferior quinces cut in quarters, but not pared or cored; and pour in some more water, just enough to boil them. Cover the pan, and let them simmer for an hour.

D, though he writes and speaks French admirably, does not love French verses; and I found he could not depend on the government of his features, while a French poet was reciting his own, but kept his eyes fixed on a dried apple, which he pared very curiously, and when that was atchieved, betook himself to breaking pralines, and extracting the almonds with equal application.

"He pared an apple with it," replied Jack, bursting into a roar of laughter, and, running off, he left Sophia to her reflections. A few seconds after he returned. This time he had almost a solemn air, the laughter had vanished from his visage, like breath from polished steel. "Miss Sophia," inquired he gravely, "are you rich?" "I don't know, Master Jack; are you?"

With an ambitious view to such consummation, they pinched and pared, rose early and lay down late, ate dry bread and drank cold water, to secure to Abel the means of learning.

When done in their skins, be particular to wash and brush them before baking them. If convenient, they may be baked in wood-ashes, or in a Dutch oven in front of the fire. When pared they should be baked in a dish and fat of some kind added to prevent their outsides from becoming burnt; they are ordinarily baked thus as an accessory to baked meat.

Beale, who was drunk one moment and sober the next, who had offices in the city which he did not visit and who took such an inordinate interest in her affairs, and she resented him all the more because, in some indefinable way, he had shaken her faith no, not shaken her faith, that was too strong a term he had pared the mild romance which Dr. van Heerden's friendship represented.

Bore a hole centrally through the assemblage, and place therein a pin B. The contact faces of these strips should be previously well painted over with hot glue liberally applied. This will provide ends which are eight and a half inches broad, and thus furnish sufficient material for the blades. The mass is then subjected to heavy pressure, and allowed to dry before the blades are pared down.