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What had lifted them suddenly so far above themselves? Their Master's death? That would more naturally have taken any heart or courage out of them, and left them indeed as sheep in the midst of wolves. Why, then, do they thus strangely blaze up into grandeur and heroism? Can any reasonable account be given of these paradoxes?

You talk about paradoxes why, your scientist, who thinks he is the most skeptical, the most materialistic aggregation of atoms ever gathered at the exact mathematical centre of Missouri, has more blind faith than a dervish, and more credulity, more superstition, than a cross-eyed smoke beating it past a country graveyard in the dark of the moon!" "Larry!" I cried, dazed.

And she recognizes, as one of the most fundamental paradoxes of all, that such a life can be gained and held only through what the world calls "death." She does not, then, want merely the life of a prosperous human state, whether monarchy or republic.

You have only to talk to my hump-backed gardener Gibbus, or listen to what he says. When he is sitting with the rest of our people in an evening, they all laugh as soon as he opens his mouth. And why? Because his conformation makes him utter nothing but paradoxes. You know what they are?" "Certainly." "And you, Pul?" "No, Father."

There was, of course, an instant's hush in the garden. We were not used to paradoxes, and we felt as concave images must feel when they first look upon the world. It was as amazing as if we had been told that God grieves with us instead of afflicting us, as we held. "None of us has much money to give," Doctor June went on; "let us take the way that lies nearest our hand, and make a little money.

The right will appear. You need only give it a chance. Avoid argument in conversation. It is discourteous to your host. Cultivate paradoxes in conversation with your peers. They add interest to common-place matters. To strike the harmless faith of ordinary people in any public idol is waste, but such a movement with those able to reply is better. Never discourse upon your ailments.

"Keep me in the running. Of course I made it clever and brilliant and all that, with my little unanswerable slings at the state and my social paradoxes, and withal made it concrete enough to dissatisfy the average citizen. "From the tramp standpoint, the constabulary of the township was particularly rotten, and I proceeded to open the eyes of the good people.

The paradoxes of Zeno are classical instances. Lastly, the Greeks established the form of exposition which still governs geometrical work, simply because it is dictated by strict logic. We have so far endeavoured to indicate generally the finality and the abiding value of the work done by the creators of mathematical science.

But, in Mary, it struck him it was right that she should believe that which she had been so sedulously taught; for he did not at all fancy those inquiring minds, in the other sex, that lead their possessors in quest of novelties and paradoxes.

It seems strange and paradoxical to say, "Work out your own salvation, for it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do." But in this, as in all other paradoxes, the difficulty is in the explanation of the theory, and not in the practical working of it.