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Indeed he had been at a total loss to explain, in any way, the motive of the attack. Now it had flashed upon him that it was somehow an outgrowth of the old robbery attempt and if that were true as high a price lay on the girl's head as upon his own. She was out there alone and in all likelihood unarmed.

Without a word the American swung his leg over and slid to the ground. "Thanks for the lift you've given me," he called up to the astonished officer. "Don't thank me," sang out his would-be saviour as he put spur to his horse. It is a lamentable thing to say, but Truxton King's extraordinary sacrifice was not altogether the outgrowth of heroism.

At first this disappointment wounded her, but soon the marquise's intention of ridding herself, by this conduct, of a heavy debt became apparent, and she opposed to the base cunning a gay defence, but was then forced to encounter the marquise's condemnation of it as the outgrowth of an ungenerous soul. How unpleasant this was!

Even the peasants shared with them some common, splendid life. Occasionally they passed an Ossetian on horseback, a rifle swung across his saddle, a covering burka draping his shoulders and the animal's haunches in a single form that seemed a very outgrowth of the mountains. But not even a greeting was exchanged.

I hold it to be a perfectly natural arrangement the practical outgrowth of the practical needs of primitive peoples. The strongest and the one certain claim for a belief in mother-right and mother-power must rest on this foundation. It is left for the second part of my book to prove how far I am right in what I claim. “It’s not too late to seek a newer world: *

This may be seen in a thousand communities scattered over the farther West; but it is no outgrowth of the American character, for it flourishes in all new societies in all parts of the world, no matter to what nationality the men of those societies belong. In a certain mining camp, late at night, a man a man of some means, the son of a banker in a neighbouring town was walking with a woman.

No wonder that, in order to produce his meagre and illusory, "results," the teacher should have to resort to motive forces which, by appealing to the lower side of the child's nature, will enable him to bear down the resistance, and, in doing so, to impede the outgrowth of the higher, to the hope of external rewards and the threat of external punishments.

This paper is in itself of value, yet the most important outgrowth of Schleiden's observations of the nucleus did not spring from his own labors, but from those of a friend to whom he mentioned his discoveries the year previous to their publication. This friend was Dr. Theodor Schwann, professor of physiology in the University of Louvain.

"The first New Thought Society with a regular leader and organization in Boston was the Church of the Higher Life established in 1894." The Metaphysical Club was an outgrowth of the New Thought group in Boston.

Every man is entitled in the prosecution of his work to the broadest possible liberty of action and the protection of law, of that law which is the outgrowth of necessity and which seeks to encourage and not to oppress. Such recognition can always be secured if there is a determination upon the part of those charged with the responsibility of government to have it. And who is not?