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After having, with much hardship, passed through such places as Fuhanoseki, Musa, Bamba, Samegaye, Ono, and Suenaga-toge, she reached the famed town of Otsu, in the space of three days. There she knew that she would have to leave the cart, since it would take her two days to return thence to the province of Mino.

I have a good reason to ask your name, because I am in truth that very gaki-ami whom you so kindly drew last year to Otsu in a cart." And with these words he produced the wooden tablet upon which Kohagi had written. Then she was greatly moved, and said: "I am very happy to see you thus recovered.

We had our choice between returning to Kyoto by the more exciting way of the canal with its long tunnels or going to Otsu. We chose the latter. Near Otsu there is the largest pine tree in the world, and it has been trained in the peculiar conventional manner employed by the Japanese.

Prince Otsu is said to have inaugurated a pastime which afterwards became very popular the composition of Chinese verses. The most important legislation of the Empress Jito's reign related to slaves.* In the year of her accession , she issued an edict ordering that interest on all debts contracted prior to, or during the year prior to Temmu's death should be cancelled.

The first rail was laid on the road between Tokio and Yokohama. This road was opened in 1872. It is 18 miles long. The second line was constructed in 1876, and runs between Hiogo and Kioto via Osako. And the year 1880 saw the opening of the railroad between Kioto and Otsu. This line between Hiogo and Otsu is 58 miles long.

Here we had a picnic luncheon and then drove some distance to the heights of Otsu, where one hundred and thirty monasteries and temples are said to be grouped. We walked up the incline, passing many temples and seeing a very ancient bronze bell of great historic interest.

In addition to his legitimate offspring, Kusakabe, the Emperor Temmu left several sons by secondary consorts, and the eldest survivor of these, Prince Otsu, listening to the counsels of the Omi Court's partisans and prompted by his own well-deserved popularity and military prowess, intrigued to seize the throne.

Biggest pine-tree in the world." The last thing that Percival desired to see was a big pine-tree, but the prospect of sharing the sight of it with Bobby Boynton spurred him to further inquiry. "But they must come back, mustn't they? Perhaps I could meet them halfway?" "Oh, yes. They go by kago over mountain; you go by 'rickisha to Otsu, and wait. Very nice, very easy. All come home together.

Descending, we went through the village of Otsu, which has quite a reputation, since it was the scene of what might have been a very serious accident to the present Emperor of Russia, then czarevitch. He was accompanied by Prince George of Greece, now King George, when savagely attacked by an insane man. Certain disaster would have followed had it not been for the presence of mind of the Prince.

On her long way to Otsu, the only pleasing sights and sounds were the beautiful lilies growing wild by the roadside, the voices of the hibari and shijugara and all the birds of spring that sang in the trees, and the songs of the peasant girls who were planting the rice.