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The year 1872 is a notable one in the history of the McGill Medical School, for another reason than the erection of its first McGill building, it was also the year of the graduation of William Osler, destined later to exercise so great an influence on medical education in Canada, America, and Europe.

But Diane's troubles had been lifted from her shoulders for the moment and the nurse was uppermost once more. She signed to him to keep quiet while she administered the doses Doc. Osler had prepared for him. Then she answered his question. "You are in the room adjoining mine," she said quietly. Her woman's instinct warned her that no more reassuring information could be given him.

According to Osler two forms of congestion occur, which may be seen in adjacent fingers, one of which may be swollen, intensely red, and extremely hot; the other swollen, cyanotic, and intensely cold.

Osler in Forks, which good, comfortable, kind, gossipy old woman insisted on treating her as a bereaved and ailing child, who must be comforted and ministered to, and incidentally dosed with tonics.

B. B. Osler, Q.C., opened the case for the Crown, in which he explained the nature of the charge against the prisoner, whose career he traced through the successive steps of the rebellion, and indicated the weight and character of the evidence to be brought against its wicked instigator and chief leader.

Osler It is impossible for any man to say that a person like Riel, who is sharp and well-educated, is either insane or sane. The man's actions are consistent with fraud. Thinks he knows the difference between right and wrong, subject to his delusion. DR. WALLACE was next called. He said he was Superintendent of the Insane Asylum at Hamilton. He had listened to the evidence in this case.

Osler, one of the greatest living medical authorities, mentions repeatedly in his works that the bacilli of diphtheria, pneumonia and of many other virulent diseases are found in the bodies of healthy persons. The inability of bacteria, by themselves, to create diseases is further confirmed by the well-known facts of natural immunity to specific infection or contagion.

Ach! if only your other leaders in Canada, Sir Robert Laurier, Sir Osler Sifton, Sir Williams Borden, you smile, you do not realize that in Germany we have exact information of everything: all that happens, we know it." Meantime I had been looking over the leaves of the book. "Here at least," I said, "is some splendidly humorous stuff, this about the navy. If they only would!

Osler is probably the greatest medical authority on drugs now living. He was formerly professor of materia medica at the Johns Hopkins University of Baltimore, U. S., and now holds a professorship at Oxford University, England. His books on medical practice are in use in probably every university and medical school in English-speaking countries.

According to Osler, Beverly Robinson describes a heart weighing 53 ounces, and Dulles has reported one weighing 48 ounces. Among other modern records are the following: Fifty and one-half ounces, 57 ounces, and one weighing four pounds and six ounces. The Ephemerides contains an incredible account of a heart that weighed 14 pounds. Favell describes a heart that only weighed 3 1/2 ounces.