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The court and the spectators were forced to the opinion that she had committed this barbarous act in a moment of despair and madness, since there was every indication that she had expected to keep and bring up her child.

The words "on my theory" were excised in 1869. Again: "Finally, we have seen that NATURAL SELECTION. . . EXPLAINS that great and universal feature in the affinities of all organic beings, namely, their subordination in group under group. Lamarck was of much the same opinion, as I showed in "Evolution Old and New."

We must base our theatrical life on something in nature." "What is the difference, Mr. Henderson," asked Margaret, "between the gossip in the boxes and the country gossip you spoke of?" "In toleration mainly, and lack of exact knowledge. It is here rather cynical persiflage, not concentrated public opinion." "I don't follow you," said Morgan.

However, I do not think it either suitable or likely. I have very little reason to doubt about the issue of things, but the when and the how are known to Him, from whom, I trust, both the course of things and the issue come. The expression of opinion, and the latent and habitual feeling about me, which is on every side and among all parties, has great force.

The few who are attracted will receive a more than usually vivid impression. They will talk, and begin to create a little current of public opinion favorable to the designer. The new clients who come to him will be influenced either by their appreciation of the actual merit of the work or by this approving body of opinion. They will come, that is, because they want him and believe in his work.

We met them with confidence; our dealings with them were conducted with the strictest integrity; and they became attached to our persons, and in no single instance ever destroyed the good opinion we entertained of them.

"Your readiness to sacrifice principle to expediency shows what a reform will be wrought when you ladies get the suffrage. What does Brother Gerrish think?" "No, no," said Mrs. Munger. "We want an impartial opinion." "I always think as Brother Gerrish thinks," said Putney. "I guess you better give up the fandango; hey, Billy?" "No, sir; no, Mr. Putney," answered the merchant nervously.

His manner of life had added nothing to his slender means, and there was a general impression among his fellow club-members that unfortunate investments had made serious inroads into the principal of his fortune. Still, I hesitated to form even an opinion on gossip.

"Well, he doesn't bear you any malice, apparently," said the little doctor, who, having been requested to speak, saw no reason for withholding any opinion he might chance to have, "for, if he did, he wouldn't have made that handsome offer to Polly." "That may be; the offer is handsome enough," answered Mr. King, "that is the trouble, it's too handsome.

The very affecting manner in which he related this story, often crying like a child, was a great proof of his extreme sorrow, which he wished to persuade me arose from the recollection of his having embezzled so much of my property; but I was of a different opinion, and attributed his grief to arise from the remembrance of his deceased relations.