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At any rate, a slight sense of danger is often an agreeable stimulus. People sip their creme de noyau with a peculiar tremulous pleasure, because there is a bare possibility that it may contain prussic acid enough to knock them over; in which case they will lie as dead as if a thunder-cloud had emptied itself into the earth through their brain and marrow.

Mix the cream and sugar with a glass of noyau, and beat it with a whisk or rods, till it stands alone. The cream, that drains into the dish, must be poured back into the pan with the rest, and beaten over again. When the cream is finished, set it in a cool place.

Run it through a linen bag into a mould. When it has congealed so as to be quite firm, wrap a wet cloth round the outside of the mould, and turn out the jelly into a glass dish; or serve it broken up, in jelly glasses, or glass cups. Jelly may be made in a similar manner of Madeira, marasquin, or noyau. Boil in half a pint of milk a split vanilla bean, till all the flavour is extracted.

I am, even now, ashamed as I recall the bombast to which I treated the Countess de St. Alyre. "There, you shall have another miniature glass a fairy glass of noyau," she said gaily. In this volatile creature, the funereal gloom of the moment before, and the suspense of an adventure on which all her future was staked, disappeared in a moment.

Boil well some fine picked rice, in pure fresh milk, sweeten and flavour with a bay leaf, lemon peel, and a stick of cinnamon, all which must be taken out when the rice is done, then line with it a round dish, or souflé dish, have ready apples previously boiled, sweetened, and beat up smoothly, place the apple lightly in the centre rather higher in the middle than at the sides, beat up the whites of eggs to a froth, sweeten and flavour with lemon, or noyau essence; place it in small heaps tastefully on the apple and rice, and brown delicately with a salamander.

Mix the jam and the cream, then carefully add the noyau and the lemon juice. Press through a fine sieve, add the milk, and freeze as directed on page 7. This will serve six persons. 1 quart of milk 6 ounces of sugar 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla Yolks of four eggs Put the milk in a double boiler, add the yolks of the eggs and the sugar beaten together, and stir until the mixture thickens.

Martin kissed her on both cheeks, and then they made her drink a glass of noyau. She then went to the other farm. The Couillards also were surprised. Mrs. Couillard pecked her on the ears and she had to drink a glass of cassis. Then she went home to breakfast. The day went by like the previous day, cold instead of damp.

And the same may be said of the kernels of all stone-fruits; for the flavours given to noyau, ratafia, and other liquors which are highly prized by epicures, are all of them derived from the same principle as laurel-water, and which, on chemical investigation, is found to be prussic acid.

The exceedingly sweet Creme Yvette should he served with cracked ice, like Creme de Menthe. Noyau, Kirschwasser, Maraschino and Grenadine may be served as cordials, or reserved for the flavoring of puddings, ices and sauces. Whether it be the waitress or the master of the house who carves, a firm hand, an appraising eye and a sharp carving knife are needed.

Moisten the arrowroot with a little cold milk; put the remaining milk in a double boiler; when hot, add the arrowroot and cook ten minutes; add the sugar, take from the fire, and add the vanilla, When perfectly cold, freeze as directed on page 7. This will serve six persons. 1/2 pint of apricot jam 1 pint of cream 1/2 pint of milk 2 tablespoonfuls of noyau Juice of one lemon