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Norderney light was flashing ahead, and Davies could take his tired eyes from the pool of light. 'Damn! was all he uttered in the way of gratitude for this mercy, and I felt very much the same; for in a fog Davies in a dinghy was a match for a steamer; in a clear he lost his handicap. It was a quarter to seven.

I appeal to you, Herr Dollmann, for it was apropos of you. When we fell in with him at Bensersiel, Davies asked him if you were at home, and he said "No." When would you be back? Probably soon; but he did not know when. 'Oh, he said that? said Dollmann. 'Well, only three days later we arrive at Norderney, and find you have returned that very day, but have gone to Memmert.

A Captain Halpin commands the big ship. There are four smaller vessels. The WM. CORY, which laid the Norderney cable, has already gone to St. Pierre to lay the shore ends. The HAWK and CHILTERN have gone to Brest to lay shore ends. The HAWK and SCANDERIA go with us across the Atlantic and we shall at St. Pierre be transhipped into one or the other.

Your man would have made slight errors as to time and place. 'You said they were odd in their manner, didn't you, Davies? I put in. 'Look here, this is very kind of Commander von Brüning; but hadn't we better be certain of my plans before settling down to shoot? Let's push on direct to Norderney and get that letter of mine, and then decide. But we shan't see you again, I suppose, commander?

Davies no longer feared to face the imbroglio at Norderney; and that day fortune had given us a new and potent weapon against Dollmann; precisely how potent we could not tell, for we had only a glimpse of his past, and his exact relations with the Government were unknown to us. But we knew who he was. Using this knowledge with address, could we not wring the rest from him?

'We can count for nothing, I answered. 'There was some little steamboat off the depot, and the fog may lift. Which is our quickest way? 'At this tide, a bee-line to Norderney by compass; we shall have water over all the banks.

It took us till the evening to reach the buoys, get the cable on board, test the first half, speak to Lowestoft, make the splice, and start. H had not finished his work at Norderney, so I was alone on board for Reuter.

Esens was another clue, and 'to follow Burmer' there was something in that notion. But I wanted time, and had I time? How long could Davies maintain himself at Norderney? Not so very long, from what I remembered of last night. And was he even safe there?

When he joined me and spoke he seemed to be concluding a difficult argument. 'Anyway, it proves, he said, 'that the Medusa has gone back to Norderney. That's the main thing. 'Probably, I agreed, 'but let's sum up all we know. First, it's certain that nobody we've met as yet has any suspicion of us' 'I told you he did it off his own bat, threw in Davies. 'Or, secondly, of him.

As we walked we had tackled the last question, 'What are we to do? and found very little to say on it. Beyond that vagueness and difficulty of every sort. At Norderney I should be fettered by my letter. If it seemed to have been opened and it ordered my return, I was limited to a week, or must risk suspicion by staying. Beyond Norderney lay Memmert. How to probe its secret?