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'That's nice, isn't it? Now, what was ee going to tell? Paul had not a word to say for himself. If he had ever had the audacity to picture anything in his own mind like this present truth, he would have thought it certain to be deliriously happy; but as a matter of fact he was miserable, and felt himself at the clumsiest disadvantage.

Joint stock banks being of course obliged to act through agents and not by a principal, and therefore under the restraint of general rules, cannot be guided by so nice a reference to degrees of difference in the character of responsibility of parties; nor can they undertake to regulate the assistance to be granted to concerns under temporary embarrassment by so accurate a reference to the circumstances, favourable or unfavourable, of each case."

Such a matter had to be inquired into. I felt I must go and look at the hut. I went and saw it. It was all right, a nice little white cottage and thirty or forty yards of garden to it. Here's your fifty roubles, I said. And I bought it on the spot. "We did nothing with it.

Well, the soot-emetic cured her, and then she told me all its effects; and it's very surprising, it didn't sound bad in French, but it don't do to write it in English at all; it's the same thing, but it tells better in French. It must be a very nice language that for a doctor, when it makes emetics sound so pretty; you might hear of 'em while you was at dinner and not disturb you.

"Of course Walter could take his place with the other nice boys of the town even yet," she said. "I mean, if we could afford to help him financially. They all belong to the country clubs and have cars and " "Let's don't go into that any more, mama," the daughter begged her. "What's the use?" "It COULD be of use," Mrs. Adams insisted. "It could if your father " "But papa CAN'T." "Yes, he can."

"That was very nice o' the man, even though words be wind." "Proper nice out and out nice. The fact is," said Reuben confidentially, "'tis how you take a man. Everybody must be managed. Queens must be managed: kings must be managed; for men want managing almost as much as women, and that's saying a good deal." "'Tis truly!" murmured the husbands.

Lucy sat still in her characteristic attitude, hands clasped on her knees, solemn grey eyes on the fire. "He's going away for the week-end," she said, realising it for herself and Peter. "But it's more amusing when he's here. When he's in town, I mean, and comes in. That's nice and funny, isn't it." "Yes," said Peter.

And so deliciously rich you'll be, not that money makes any difference, does it? but it is nice to be able to do things for the people one loves.

It now became a nice question with me what if anything I ought to do with this blood-stained derelict.

"Why don't you get married?" asked Ernestine, innocently. "Married! Pooh that would be a nice thing!" "Indeed it would. If you care for the man." Georgia was fidgeting; it was plain she wanted to talk about marriage, if she could do so without seeming to be vitally interested in the subject. "I mean it, Georgia," Ernestine went on. "If you care for him, marry him." "Care for whom?"