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That which has the unmanifest for its beginning and gross qualities for its end, has been said to have Nescience for its indication. But do you understand that whose nature is destitute of qualities? Mineness is death, and the reverse of mineness is the eternal. Some men who are led by bad understanding applaud action.

And with equal certainty we know from Scripture that this Supreme Lord, when pleased by the faithful worship of his Devotees which worship consists in daily repeated meditation on Him, assisted by the performance of all the practices prescribed for each caste and asrama frees them from the influence of Nescience which consists of karman accumulated in the infinite progress of time and hence hard to overcome; allows them to attain to that supreme bliss which consists in the direct intuition of His own true nature: and after that does not turn them back into the miseries of Samsara.

For the complementary sentence 'I am the glorious among Brahmanas' shows that what the soul aims at is the condition of the universal Self, which has for its antecedent the putting off of all Nescience.

Investigation seemed to justify his nescience; no vestige of the man of rats or of his shop could be discovered; and the Borgian apartments, opened and carefully searched through, revealed no trace of having been visited for many years.

This cognition is based on Nescience, and therefore is false, together with its object, viz. Brahman, although no sublating cognition presents itself. This conclusion admits of various expressions in logical form.

Brave men clad in soldier's uniform, victims of military Chaos, and miraculous Nescience, in themselves and in others: can there be a more distressing spectacle? The Colonial Militias had stood their ground, Colonel Washington now of some use again; who were ranked well to rearward; and able to receive the ambuscade as an open fight. Stood striving, for about three hours.

Now all these souls are deficient in insight into the true nature of the highest reality, their understandings being obscured by Nescience operating in the form of beginningless karman; and hence those texts only are fully useful to them which teach that there exists a highest Brahman which the souls in the state of release may cognise as non-different from themselves, and which then, through its own essential nature, qualities, power and energies, imparts to those souls bliss infinite and unsurpassable.

Warton in his Observations on Spenser's Fairy Queen, gave some account, which Huggins attempted to answer with violence, and said, "I will militate no longer against his nescience." Huggins was master of the subject, but wanted expression. Mr.

Science has done much for us; but it is a poor science that would hide from us the great deep sacred infinitude of Nescience, whither we can never penetrate, on which all science swims as a mere superficial film. This world, after all our science and sciences, is still a miracle; wonderful, inscrutable, magical and more, to whosoever will think of it.

There is nothing finer in his latest work than his early essays 'Nature and God, 'Science, Nescience and Faith, and 'Religion as affected by Modern Materialism. He died in 1900 in his ninety-fifth year. It is difficult to speak of the living in these pages. Personal relations enforce reserve and brevity.