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She had chosen the Chateau Nectaris because it was the largest of the resort spots, and therefore the most likely one to be chosen by men who sought to hide out for a while. She had contacted the managers of all the resort chateaus and all had agreed to let her know of the arrival of any new guests.

We go now to the eastern side of the Mare Nectaris, where we find one of the most stupendous formations in the lunar world, the great mountain ring of Theophilus, noticeably regular in outline and perfect in the completeness of its lofty wall.

The Pyrenees, on the western side of the Mare Nectaris, extend in a meridional direction for nearly 190 miles, and include a peak east of Guttemberg of nearly 12,000 feet, and are traversed in many places by fine valleys.

There are at least two distinct clefts on the floor, one running from the W. wall towards the centre, and another on the S.E. side of the interior. The last throws out two branches towards the S.W. ROSSE. A fine bright deep crater in the Mare Nectaris, N. of the pointed termination of the W. wall of Fracastorius, with which it is connected by a bold curved ridge, with a crater upon it.

Between this and the pointed N. termination of the W. border there is a wide gap, open to the north for a space of about 30 miles, appearing, except under very oblique illumination, as smooth and as devoid of detail as the grey surface of the Mare Nectaris itself.

From the time she saw Dark Kensington die until Nuwell's arrival at the Chateau Nectaris a day later, Maya remained in her room, half in shock, half in an agony of sorrow and remorse. She was so exhausted by her ordeal that she did sleep, but it was fitfully and without genuine rest. She had her meals sent up to her room, and ate automatically, not tasting the food.

Adjoining it on the W. is a mountain mass, projecting from the coast-line of the Mare, on which there is a peak rising to more than 14,000 feet above the surface. FRACASTORIUS. This great bay or inflexion at the extreme S. end of the Mare Nectaris, about 60 miles in diameter, is one of the largest and most suggestive examples of a partially destroyed formation to be found on the visible surface.

So it was that Maya stretched in a reclining chair on the sundeck of the Chateau Nectaris the next afternoon and permitted herself to be disgusted with the entire planet Mars. Maya's small, perfect body was kept minimally modest by one of those scanty Martian sunsuits. A huge straw hat, woven of dried canal sage, hid her beautiful face.

We are, however, not bound to assume that all the manifold corrugations observed on the lunar plains are due to one and the same cause; indeed, it is clear that some are merely the outward indications of sudden drops in the surface, as in the case of the ridges round the western margin of the Mare Nectaris, and in other situations, where subsidence is manifested by features assuming the outward aspect of ordinary ridges, but which are in reality of a very different structural character.

These three Theophilus, Cyrillus, and Catharina constitute a scene of surpassing magnificence, a glimpse of wonders in another world sufficient to satisfy the most riotous imagination. South of the Mare Nectaris the huge ring mountain of Piccolomini attracts attention, its massive walls surrounding a floor nearly sixty miles across, and rising in some places to an altitude of nearly 15,000 feet.