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It is hard to return a salute with your face in the sand and a stout American sitting on your neck and pulling your first lieutenant's leg. I am now deeply engaged for dinners and dances and teas and rides and am feeling very cheerful again. I am also very well thank you and have no illnesses of any sort.

Her hair was no longer rough and touzled by the wind, but brushed in rippling smoothness and coiled in dainty neatness in the nape of her graceful neck. No wonder Stafford caught his breath, held it, as it were, as he gazed at the exquisite picture, which formed so striking a contrast to her surroundings.

Some men some sensual, self- indulgent men appear to think that the collar should be made for the neck; but Macassar Jones knew better. He, who never spared him self when the cause was good, he knew that the neck had been made for the collar it was at any rate evident that such was the case with his own.

The horse wanted no spur under such a rider, and, the already loosened bridle offering no resistance, darted off across the piazza, with the monkey, clutching, grinning, and blinking, on his neck. "Il cavallo!

I never wanted to hurt you; I can not help it now," when he had said that, and she, with quick response to the sorrow in his voice, had knelt beside him, her arms about his neck, something, the feel of her arms, the knowing there was some one now to help him swept away the words and his broken-hearted cry had been: "Oh, sweetheart help me! I'm going blind!"

Do you remember what Lamb said of Barry Cornwall's wen on the nape of his neck? Some one said that Barry Cornwall was thinking of having it cut off. 'I hope he won't do that, said Lamb, 'I rather like it it's redundant, like his poetry! I rather agree with Lamb.

He never left me all day; and when I lay down to rest me by night, he laid himself down by me, holding always fast about my neck. Every morning he pushed me to make me awake; and afterwards obliged me to get up and walk, and pressed me with his feet. You may judge then, gentlemen, what trouble I was in, to be charged with such a burden as I could no ways rid myself from.

Then, when he found that his pursuers still continued to press in upon him, he took alarm, and, throwing up his head, with a wild, defiant snort he made a bolt for the open. Instantly two lariats whirled through the air towards the crested neck. One missed its mark, but the other fell, true as a gun-shot over the small, thoroughbred head. It was Jacky's rope which had found its mark.

Then, when the shirt had been put on, for which operation her hands had to be untied, the man raised the headdress which she had pulled down, and tied it round her neck, then fastened her hands together with one rope and put another round her waist, and yet another round her neck; then, kneeling before her, he took off her shoes and stockings. Then she stretched out her hands to the doctor.

The rain was falling heavily again, but neither the two on the shore nor the solitary watcher stretched on the perilous edge of the cliff seemed aware of it. All were intent upon other things. Suddenly the woman raised her face, and with a movement that was passionate reached up her arms and clasped them about the man's bent neck.