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The starch remaining in a few places in his suit, now partly dried in the hot sun, caused the linen to stand out grotesquely in peaks and mud-streaked humps, his hair, still wet, hung in wisps about his very dirty face, his bare, red feet and legs protruded from shapeless knickerbockers. His stepmother looked at him with her usual good-natured amused gaze.

By the steps down which he had come stood a slight figure in a faded flannel shirt and mud-streaked overalls. His bare brown feet gripped the stones as if to get purchase for instant flight. "Hello," Val said questioningly. The new-comer eyed young Ralestone warily and then his gaze shifted to the bushes beyond. "I'm Val Ralestone." Val held out his hand.

And so it was that the fugitive was taken. The clown lifted the sidewall and bent over the form of the lad, peering into the white, mud-streaked face. "He's not drunk," he said quickly. "He looks ill, poor fellow. How wet he is, and so muddy. Is he asleep? It isn't it isn't something else?" She drew back in sudden dread. "He's alive, right enough. I say, Mrs.

As Sabella finished speaking, she too left the room, running after the Captain, and smiling cheerfully as she went at the mud-streaked boy, who still stood speechless and motionless in the doorway. Now, at Solon's invitation he followed the negro into what had been called the engine-room, though to Winn's eye it looked as little like an engine-room as any place he had ever known.

"You!" said the stranger. There was such a world of expression in his tone that Norah flushed scarlet, suddenly painfully conscious of her extraordinary appearance. Then it was unusual for her she became angry. "Did you never see anyone wet?" she asked, in trenchant tones. "And didn't you ever learn to take your hat off?" "By Jove!" said the boy, looking at the truculent and mud-streaked figure.

An enormous bull urus perhaps the same beast which some days earlier, had driven Grôm and the girl into the tree-tops burst up, dripping and mud-streaked from his wallow in a reedy pool, and came charging upon the travelers with a roar. No doubt an outcast from the herd, he was mad with the lust of killing. With shouts of warning and shrieks of fear the tribe scattered in every direction.

The rain, fine and needle-like, stung Val's face. There were ominous pools of water gathering in the garden depressions. Even the small stream which bisected their land had grown from a shallow trickle into a thick, mud-streaked roll crowned with foam. But the bayou was the worst. It had put off its everyday sleepiness with a roar.