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'Weel, grannie, I canna say 'at he believed a' thing 'at ever was, for a body michtna ken a' thing. 'Toots, laddie! Was 't savin' faith? 'I dinna richtly ken what ye mean by that; but I'm thinkin' it was muckle the same kin' o' faith 'at the prodigal had; for they baith rase an' gaed hame. ''Deed, maybe ye're richt, laddie, returned Mrs. Falconer, after a moment's thought.

He tellt the minister 'at tellt me, ance I was at the kirk wi' you, mother lang, lang syne twa or three hun'er years, I'm thinkin'. The bonny man tellt his ain fowk first that he was gaein awa in order that they michtna be able to do wantin him, and bude to stir themselves and come up efter him. And syne he slippit aff his feet, and gaed awa up intil the air whaur the snaw comes frae.

Was't ony wonner that the first thing I did whan I cam' hame the neist nicht was to ring for the het water? I wantit naething frae Providence or Natur' but jist that the colour michtna be a' ta'en oot o' my life. The muckle deevil was in't, that I cudna stan' up to my fate like a man, and, gin my life was to cast the colour, jist tak my auld cloak aboot me, and gang on content. But I cudna.

I cudna gang ohn hed a word wi' yersel', sir, to see whether ye wadna lat me bide wi' ye, sir. I haena muckle wut, they tell me, sir, but gien I michtna aye be able to du what ye tell't me to du, I cud aye haud ohn dune what ye tell't me no to." The words of the boy pleased Malcolm more than he judged it wise to manifest. He looked hard at Davy.