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On Monday, the 17th, he dined early with Prince Ragotzi, who had invited him, and afterwards went to Meudon, where he found some of the King's horses to enable him to see the gardens and the park at his ease. Prince Ragotzi accompanied him.

It was known that at least a hundred thousand men were now gathered at Versailles. "There is no doubt of one thing," Cuthbert said, as standing with Mary on the Trocadero, they one day watched the duel, when the guns at Meudon were replying vigorously to the fire of the forts, "I must modify my first opinions as to the courage of the Communists.

Stanley Williams's measurements and discussion of the set for 1891 showed the high value of the materials thus collected, although much more minute details can be seen than can at present be photographed. The red spot shows as "very distinctly annular" in several of these pictures. Recently, the planet has been portrayed by Deslandres with the 62-foot Meudon refractor.

We went back to Paris about the 10th of September, and remained there until the end of the exposition. Paris was again crowded with foreigners the month of October was beautiful, bright and warm, and the afternoons at the exposition were delightful at the end of the day, when the crowd had dispersed a little and the last rays of the setting sun lingered on the Meudon Hills and the river.

From Ville d'Avray and from Sevres there are also entrances to the great park, while to the latter runs an avenue connecting the "preserve" of Saint Cloud with the wilder, more rugged Bois de Meudon. Actually the surroundings of Saint Cloud's great park are the least bit tawdry.

At Auteuil there were fiacres full of sightseers, come to watch the Prussian batteries at Meudon, which could be distinctly seen. Occasionally, too, there came a puff of smoke from one of the gunboats. September 26th. Do the Prussians really mean to starve us out?

I found no difference in him, his state was, as usual, languid and heavy, as it had been for some time, but his judgment was clear as ever. I immediately returned to Meudon, and chatted there some time with Madame de Saint-Simon on arriving. On account of the season we had little company. I left Madame de Saint-Simon in her cabinet, and went into mine.

Just then they reached the paved road which led from Meudon Castle to that of Versailles; a carriage was passing. The ladies who were in it perceived the old man, uttered an exclamation of surprise, and leaning out of the window repeated: "There is Jean Jacques there is Rousseau!" Then the carriage disappeared in the distance.

First, here is the amusing parson of Meudon; but his characters are too fond of talking slang: Voltaire; but he disheartens men by always bantering them: Moliere; but he hinders one's laughter by making one think: Lesage; let us stop at him.

After having got over the first embarrassment, he put on again his haughty air, and ruled the roast. To see him at Meudon you would have said he was certainly the master of the saloon, and by his free and easy manner to Monseigneur, and, when he dared, to the King, he would have been thought the principal person there.