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As they come to us these meteorites often break up in the atmosphere, the bits being scattered sometimes over a wide area of country. Thus, in the case of the Cocke County meteorite of Tennessee, one of the iron species, the fragments, perhaps thousands in number, which came from the explosion of the body were scattered over an area of some thousand square miles.

Let me ask, Doctor, if the earth ever receives any accretions of matter from outside its own atmosphere?" "Yes, we have the fall of meteorites, foreign substances which we believe the earth encounters in its path around the sun." "I supposed such must be the case," Thorwald continued.

For similar reasons it seems not impossible that the theory mentioned in a former chapter that some of the meteorites that have fallen upon the earth originated from the lunar volcanoes is well founded. This would apply especially to the stony meteorites, for it is hardly to be supposed that the moon, at least in its superficial parts, contains much iron.

They were burned and pitted like other meteorites by their passage through the earth's atmosphere. Of the light itself Professor Newland had already given his opinion. It was, he said, some unknown form of etheric vibration. It radiated heat very slightly, but it had the peculiarity of generating intense heat in anything it touched directly.

Yet I brought away an impression that here was a rightness that earthly economists have failed to grasp. Few earthly economists have been able to disentangle themselves from patriotisms and politics, and their obsession has always been international trade. Here in Utopia the World State cuts that away from beneath their feet; there are no imports but meteorites, and no exports at all.

In part they are composed of materials which somewhat resemble certain lavas. It is possible that these fragments of iron and stone which constitute the meteorites have been thrown into the planetary spaces by the volcanic eruption of our own and other planets.

George: "Meteor scatter is a way of making contacts on 2 metres by reflection from meteorites 'shooting stars' as they are called colloquially which we see on clear nights during the summer. Of course they are not falling stars at all they are meteorites which burn up when they hit the earth's atmosphere, leaving the trail that we see.

But she didn't like the idea that perhaps she was the victim of a put-up job. "I do hope you'll be better to-morrow," she said, and she commiserated with Anne on all she had missed the garden, the stars, the scent of flowers, the meteorites through whose summer shower the earth was now passing, the rising moon and its gibbosity. And then they had had such interesting conversation. What about?

He found upon trial that the meteorites in his possession were non-magnetic, or, practically so. If these, being pieces of the larger meteorite which was buried in the hole, were non-magnetic, all of it must be non-magnetic, which would account for the failure of the needle to act or manifest any magnetic attraction in the greater test. Mr.

The celestial downpour increased, the valley below us sent upward the detonations of exploding meteorites and the harsh reverberating crash and overthrow of glass fabrics. The lights of the city were brokenly extinguished and the pitiless hail of ruin continued with increasing fierceness. "It was an awful, glorious scene.