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Wrenn and Morton such interesting facts as: "Trubiggs is a lobster. You don't want to let the bosses bluff you aboard the Merian. They'll try to chase you in where the steers'll gore you. The grub'll be " "What grub do you get?" "Scouse and bread. And water." "What's scouse?" "Beef stew without the beef. Oh, the grub'll be rotten. Trubiggs is a lobster. He wouldn't be nowhere if 't wa'n't for me."

Madame Merian had long desired to examine the insects of Surinam, and in 1699, by the aid of the Dutch Government, she made the journey of which a French poet wrote: "Sibylla

They didn't even take the trouble to pelt us." The poet Merian by name moved angrily on his chair. Blaydes threw a sly look at him, as he knocked the ash from his cigarette. "And what the deuce do you expect to get by it all?" Paul Lathrop paused a moment and at last said with a lift of the eyebrows: "Well! I have no illusions!" Merian broke out indignantly

He looked like one of the Merian bulls, with broad short neck and short curly hair above a thick-skinned deeply wrinkled low forehead. He never undressed, but was always seen, as now, in heavy shoes and blue-gray woolen socks tucked over the bottoms of his overalls. He was gruff and kind and tyrannical and honest.

Which was much too good not to tell Morton, so they laughed very much, and at ten o'clock were signed on for the trip and led, whooping, to the deck of the S.S. Merian. Cattle were still struggling down the chutes from the dock. The dirty decks were confusingly littered with cordage and the cattlemen's luggage.

Sympathies and animosities: they're enough for me." "And you really are in sympathy with these women?" said the other. The tone was incredulous. Merian brought his hand violently down on the table. "Don't you talk about them, Blaydes! I tell you, they're out of your ken." "I daresay," said Blaydes, composedly. "I was only trying to get at what Lathrop means by going into the business."

The example of Madam Merian, and several ladies in this country who have greatly aided science by their well filled cabinets, and critical knowledge of the various species and their transformations, is an earnest of what may be expected from their followers.

And in the same year, very likely from one of the frequent epidemics so fatal to Basel, died Künegoldt, Elsbeth's youngest child. The Merian family of Frankfurt-am-Main claims an hereditary right to the artistic gifts of its famous copper-engraver, Mathew Merian, as descendants of Holbein through this daughter Künegoldt, who, when she died, was the wife of Andreas Syff, a miller, of Basel.

Bill Wrenn, standing very dignified, piped: "I'm Colonel Armour. I own all these cattle, 'cept the Morris uns, see? Gotta do what I say, savvy? Tim, walk on your ear." The hay was off. The Merian tooted and headed across the Mersey to the Huskinson Dock, in Liverpool, while the cattlemen played tag about the deck.

In 1777 she married the engraver Salvador Carmona in Rome, and went with him to Spain, where she died in 1790. Portraits and miniatures of excellent quality were executed by her, and on them her reputation rests. <b>MERIAN, MARIA SIBYLLA.</b> Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main in 1647. This artist merits our attention, although her art was devoted to an unusual purpose.