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Twice I struggled to my knees, blinded with blood, confused, almost fainting; then I fell again, rolling into the mouth of the iron boiler. "When I struggled back to consciousness Daisy knelt silently beside me, while Captain McPeek and Professor Holroyd bound up my shattered arm, talking excitedly. The pain made me faint and dizzy. I tried to speak and could not.

There was nobody in sight, and I gave a last glance up into the air where the bird wheeled, still screeching, and hastened into the house. Freda stared at me in amazement as I seized the rifle and shouted for the professor. "'He has just gone to town, with Captain McPeek in his wagon, stammered Freda. "'What! I cried. 'Does he know where his daughter is?

"'You don't mean to say that Captain McPeek is going to close his hotel! I exclaimed. "My trunk was there. It contained guarantees of my respectability. "'Oh no; his wife will keep it open, replied the girl. 'Look! you can see papa now. He's digging. "'Where? I blurted out. "I remembered Professor Holroyd as a prim, spectacled gentleman, with close-cut, snowy beard and a clerical allure.

"I heard McPeek say that one of the birds that I had anchored to a cedar-tree had torn loose from the bullets and had winged its way heavily out to sea. The professor answered: 'Yes, the ekaf-bird; the others were ool-ylliks.

"'Your bedroom is the third on the south side; everything is ready. McPeek, you can bring his trunk to-morrow, can't you? demanded the professor. "The red-faced captain nodded, and shifted a quid. "'Then it's all settled, said the professor, and he drew a sigh of satisfaction. 'You see, he said, turning to me, 'I was at my wit's end to know whom to trust. I never thought of you.