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McIvor, the leader of the crew, was holding out the envelope taken from the stump and saying something to the first prisoner. They could not catch the words at that distance. Podmore shook his head and renewed his pleadings. The only response to these was an oath and a cruel blow on the mouth from the enraged ruffian, who now issued a sharp command.

But threaten though he might and pin them though he did beneath their frail canvas covers, he could not make that gang beat retreat. McIvor was of the kind that takes no back trail.

If you will kindly leave me some grub and some matches I shall be all right and very much obliged. McIvor will be searching for me to-morrow." "Ha!" burst forth the stranger in vehement expletive. "Searching for you, heh?" He stood for a few moments in deep thought, then spoke to the Indian a few words in his own language.

With an oath McCorquodale started towards Kendrick; but he stopped when he saw Phil sitting up, grinning at him cheerfully. At the first move of McIvor's rifle in his direction he had thrown himself flat, disconcerting the man's aim. The detective's bullet, however, had found its mark. Red McIvor lay sprawled grotesquely where he fell. A moment later McCorquodale looked up from his examination.

We will then have a thorough search for Duncan and the boy there is no doubt that they have lost their way, and if we fire a few muskets, they will, with the help of daylight, easily find the harbour. Mr McIvor promised to accompany his friend, and I volunteered to go also." "No, Jack," said old Tom, "you remain with me. If we all go, the captain may be playing us some trick."

"Quick, Jimmy!" He cut the cords that pinioned the other's arms and hustled the speechless youth across the clearing. "Hi, there! Stop!" Red McIvor at the door of the shanty had just caught sight of them. He jumped back inside for a rifle. "Beat it!" yelled McCorquodale. "Under cover!" The bullets clipped twigs from the trees as the three plunged into the woods. "This way. Quick!