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This arrangement might have necessitated the false Marseillais going into the cars and getting out at the next station; so he excused himself on the plea that the walk would please him better. "To tell you the truth, I am bound to take exercise or die of apoplexy so my family doctor tells me. By the way, I have taken leave already of Madame Clemenceau. A Russian, you tell me?

He was bound to print the Decrees of the Republic without mistakes and without delay. In this strait Jerome-Nicolas Sechard had the luck to discover a noble Marseillais who had no mind to emigrate and lose his lands, nor yet to show himself openly and lose his head, and consequently was fain to earn a living by some lawful industry. A bargain was struck.

When all was over, when Louis sheathed his sword and went for shelter to the National Assembly, when the fierce Marseillais were slaughtering the Swiss Guards and bodyguards of the king, Buonaparte dashed forward to save one of these unfortunates from a southern sabre. "Southern comrade, let us save this poor wretch. Are you of the south? Yes. Well, we will save him."

A howl of execration arose, a howl not against Brunswick but against the inmates of the Tuileries; and in that howl the voices of the Marseillais, who had just reached the city, were raised loudest. The inevitable result followed in just one week, a week spent in preparations by the popular leaders.

On another occasion, whilst proceeding to India in a Messageries Maritimes boat, I made the acquaintance of an M. Bayol, a native of Marseilles, who had been for twenty-five years in business at Pondicherry, the French colony some 150 miles south of Madras. M. Bayol was a typical "Marius," or Marseillais: short, bald, bearded and rotund of stomach.

He uttered a cry of joy, lifted Dolores in his strong arms, and, in a stentorian voice, exclaimed: "Make way! Make way, good citizens! My daughter has fainted!" The Provençale costume worn by Dolores deceived the persons who would otherwise have impeded Coursegol's progress. "He is from Marseilles," some one cried. Just at that time the Marseillais were heroes in the eyes of all good patriots.

Lyons lies less compactly together, its thickly-peopled Guillotiere seems a town apart; the population of Lyons, moreover, is a sedentary one, whilst the Marseillais, being seafarers, are perpetually abroad. The character, too, is quite different, less expansive, less excitable, less emotional in the great silk-weaving capital, here gay, noisy, nonchalant.

Here the combat began, but it is unknown on which side it commenced. The Swiss discharged a murderous fire on the assailants, who were dispersed. The Place du Carrousel was cleared. But the Marseillais and Bretons soon returned with renewed force; the Swiss were fired on by the cannon, and surrounded. They kept their posts until they received orders from the king to cease firing.

I believe it was to meet the gentleman who came in at the same time, a-pretending to buy the house " "M. Cantagnac!" muttered the inventor, a tolerable flock of suspicions which that ingenious individual had unintentionally excited, rushing upon his brain. "He's no Marseillais he's a German, and he is a secret agent.

"I shall report to our committee that we have made our agreement," he said calmly and then, as he proceeded toward the door with the jolly swagger of the Marseillais transforming his stalwart and rigid frame, he added in the southern bland tone, "Delighted to see you again, dear Madame Clemenceau!" She did not hear him, for she had sunk too deeply within the abyss. She regretted she had come back.