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In life, as you sought those you should have avoided, so now you shall be avoided by those who should seek you. Go, and be henceforth Addum Kum Maig!" The woman disappeared, was straightway carried by the rapid currents far out into the waters, and in the wide wilderness of shoreless depths, without companion or solace, was lost forever.

I asked him if he wouldn't come over and just look at my goods, that I could save him money and give him a prettier line of patterns and neater made stuff than he was buying. "'Ach! Dat's de sonk dey all sink, said the old German. 'I'm sotisfite mit de line I haf. Sell 'em eesy und maig a goot brofit. Vat's de use uf chanching anyvay, alretty?

Alle von we Shairmens yoost like dot. Shairmany, dot's hell oaf some fine plaice, sure. Budt der Vaterland iss vhair der home und der wife und kinder iss. Eh? Yes? Voad? Ach, no. Me, I nef'r voad. I doand bodder der haid mit dose ting. I maig der wheat grow, und ged der braid fur der wife und Hilda, dot's all. Dot's me; dot's Bismarck." "Good-bye," commented Annixter, moving off.

Kent got down stiffly from his cramped seat on the fireman's box and wetted his parched lips at the nozzle of the tender hose. "Do we make it, Jarl?" he asked. The engineer wagged his head. "Ay tank so. Ve maig it all right iff dey haf bane got dose track clear." "There are other trains to meet?" "Ja; two bane comin' dis vay; ant Nummer Samteen ve pass opp by."

Sieppe brought them together in the front parlor of the B Street house. "Now, you two fellers, don't be dot foolish. Schake hands und maig ut oop, soh." Marcus muttered an apology. McTeague, miserably embarrassed, rolled his eyes about the room, murmuring, "That's all right that's all right that's all right."

Ve bane gone to maig dat time, als' ve preak somedings, ja!" and he sent the light engine spinning down the yards to a quickstep of forty miles an hour.