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If ye have any disputation that ye want to inter into, we'll sittle it by maans of a wristling match." Deerfoot was inclined at first to act as sentinel, just as he had done before, but he had already declared that there was nothing to be feared, and his friends were so in earnest that he could not well refuse their request.

"There's another thing that troubles me," added the Irishman, with one of those great inhalations of breath which seem to fill the entire being. "What is that?" "Me pipe has gone out, and I hasn't the maans convanient to relight it." "That is a small infliction which you can well afford to bear. I am only anxious for the night, that we may speed on our way home to get assistance for poor Elwood."

Copperskin, was the maans of gittin' me in this trouble." "Me make you drink him?" asked the savage. "You not ax for jug, eh? You not want him?" "Yes, begorrah, it was me own fault. Whisky is me waikness. Its illigant perfume always sits me wild fur it.

"That sittles it!" exclaimed Terry, with a sigh of relief; "ye are right in sayin' the Shawanoe would have knowed about it; he would have larned it before the spalpeens that started out on the war path, and, bein' as he didn't say any thin', I'm sure ye are right; but all the same, it looks bad for the Hunters of the Ozark, which maans oursilves as well as the men in the mountains."

"He maans, too, that there's danger in waiting here, and that we'd better be thramping." Elwood took a step or two in the direction indicated to test the meaning of their friend. He nodded very earnestly, and satisfied them all that the safest plan was for them to leave as soon as possible, and take the course pointed out by him.

After a trip up the magnificent Maans Fjord, and the sight of some sea-green glaciers, we approached Tromsöe, the capital of Finmark. This is a town of nearly 3000 inhabitants, on a small island in the strait between Qvalö and the mainland. It was just midnight when we dropped anchor, but, although the sun was hidden by a range of snowy hills in the north, the daylight was almost perfect.