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He returned with stacks of them, Berliner Tageblatt, Kélnische Zeitung, Vorwérts; the alleged comic papers, Kladderadatsch, Lustige Blétter and Simplicissimus; the illustrated press, Leipziger Illustrirte Zeitung, Der Weltkrieg im Bild, and the rest: that remarkable café even took in such less popular publications as Harden's Zukunft and semi-blackmailing rags like Der Roland von Berlin.

They were all conscious of the pleasant rhythm of the great engine, to which no music in the world was comparable. Over Vollstedt's waltz, Lustige Brüder, the company with a sense of relief was still discussing the danger they had safely escaped. "We hoisted distress signals." "Rockets were shot off." "They were already getting the life-belts and life-boats ready."

The Lido is not beautiful; but Venice seen from it is beautiful, and it has trees and picnic grounds, and its usefulness is not to be exaggerated. The steamers, which ply continually in summer and very often in winter, take only a quarter of an hour to make the voyage. In the height of the bathing season the Lido becomes German territory, and the chromatic pages of Lustige Blätter are justified.

The dog is nearly always in the foreground, invariably characterized with the utmost vivacity and clearness, and usually playing his cheerful part in whatever of lively occupation his masters are engaged in. In "Die Lustige Familie" he joins his voice to the family concert with an expression of canine agony.

But of everything the distribution bore no calculated relation to the needs of the industry and commerce or even to the actual necessities of the people for the preservation of health and life. Vienna, itself, "die lustige schöne Stadt Wien" was, as it still is today and for long will be, the saddest great capital in Europe.

If we compare "Die Lustige Familie" at Amsterdam with that ebullient rendering of the same subject by Jordaens entitled "Zoo de ouden zongen: Zoo pypen de jongen" that hangs in the Antwerp Museum, we have no difficulty in perceiving the points of similarity.

"There comes the doctor," said the lady, and the figure with the Turkish riding cloak thus announced himself: Doctor. "I' bin a' Wiener." Author. "Gratulire: dass iss a' lustige Stadt." Doctor. "Glaub'ns mir, lust'ger als Csatsak." Author. "I' glaub's." The Judge, a sedate, elderly, and slightly corpulent man, asked me what route I had pursued, and intended to pursue.

The dates of the composition of his principal works are: "Serenade for Wind Instruments," Opus 7, 1882-83; "Eight Songs," Opus 10, 1882-83; "Aus Italien," Opus 16, 1886; "Don Juan," Opus 20, 1888; "Tod und Verklärung," Opus 24, 1889; "Four Songs," Opus 27, 1892-93; "Till Eulenspiegel's Lustige Streiche," Opus 28, 1894-95; "Three Songs," Opus 29, 1894-95; "Also Sprach Zarathustra," Opus 30, 1894-95; "Don Quixote," Opus 35, 1897; "Ein Heldenleben," Opus 40, 1898; "Feuersnot," Opus 50, 1900-01; "Taillefer," Opus 52, 1903; "Sinfonia Domestica," Opus 53, 1903; "Salome," Opus 54, 1904-05; "Elektra," Opus 58, 1906-08; "Der Rosenkavalier," Opus 59, 1909-10; "Ariadne auf Naxos," Opus 60, 1911-12; "Josef's Legende," 1913; "Eine Alpensymphonie," 1914-15; "Die Frau ohne Schatten," 1915-17.