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She took down his words with anxious humility, for she looked upon him as a god sphered on Olympian heights and what socially insecure young woman of lower-middle-class England could do otherwise in the presence of a torturingly beautiful youth, immaculately raimented, who commanded in the great house with a smile more royal and debonair than that of the master thereof, Member of Parliament though he was, and Justice of the Peace and Lord of the Manor?

"She's been a plague spot in this town for years that lower-middle-class old Briton, with her beastly ideas of caste ever since she began sending out her daughter to preach her damnable gospel to defenseless Endbury homes." "Marius my dear!" chided Mrs. Sandworth "The Gospel damnable! You forget yourself!" The doctor did not laugh.

The Capital-Labour problem bulks in the foreground, and is adequately supported by a passionate exposition of the narrowness and misery of lower-middle-class life in the jumble of limitations, barriers and injustices that arise from the absolute ownership of property. Also, into this romance the only one, by the way comes some examination of the relations of the sexes.

It was too much like saving up one's good clothes for "best," a lower-middle-class habit which I have detested since the days when I howled for my smartest Lord Fauntleroy frills in the morning.

I was telephoning to our head-office. Then am I to take it you want to find out all you can, but you want it smothered?" "Not at all. I have no reason for hushing anything up." The detective gazed at him in a harsh, lower-middle-class way, and Mr. Prohack quailed a little before that glance. "Will you please tell me where you bought the necklace?" "I really forget. Somewhere in Bond Street." "Oh!

The tourist puts in everything he sees, truly enough, or thinks he sees. But it is the art of Boswell to select 'the characteristical, and the typical, to group and to dramatize. Ninety-four days he spent on the northern tour, and the result is a masterpiece. Pepys is garrulous, often vulgar, always lower-middle-class; but Boswell writes like a gentleman. Macaulay has explained it by a paradox.

Between Toni and the rest of the commonplace lower-middle-class household was a great gulf fixed, a gulf which was the more inexplicable because it was clearly visible to the parties on either side of the chasm.

Lower-middle-class young men, of no intellectual predisposition at all, are being turned out on all sides crammed with the narrowest type of educational tradition.