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She took down his words with anxious humility, for she looked upon him as a god sphered on Olympian heights and what socially insecure young woman of lower-middle-class England could do otherwise in the presence of a torturingly beautiful youth, immaculately raimented, who commanded in the great house with a smile more royal and debonair than that of the master thereof, Member of Parliament though he was, and Justice of the Peace and Lord of the Manor?

But, as has been said, she had already fallen into the habit of considering what was due her and becoming to her as a young Mrs. Meredith; and it struck her that this lady would not climb field fences, at least by preference and with facility. Therefore she chose the highroad, gates, dust, and dignity. It could scarcely be said that she was becomingly raimented.

Raimented with intolerable light The snow-peaks stand above thee, row on row Arising, each a seraph in his might; An organ each of varied stop doth blow.

Youths and maidens, garlanded and gayly raimented, go about fifing and piping, and trolling the chosen songs of spring.

However stoical the Lady may have been, the reader is too seriously sympathetic with her inevitable discomfort "All raimented in snowy white That loosely flew," as she was. The original conclusion was distressing; we were dropped from the airs of mysterious romance:

Professor Anastasius Papadopoulos, resplendently raimented, with the shiniest of silk hats and a flower in the buttonhole of his frock-coat, received us at the door of a small house, the first-floor windows of which announced the tenancy of a maker of gymnastic appliances; and having kissed Madame Brandt's hand with awful solemnity and bowed deeply to me, he preceded us down the passage, out into the yard, and into a ramshackle studio at the end, where his cats had their being.