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A maid hath made me love-distraught, nor visiting Nor being visited, a sad and love-lorn wight. She promised me her grace, then turned away and said, "The day obliterates the promise of the night." Then Abou Musab came forward and recited these verses: When wilt thou put away this dotage from thy spright? Thy heart is dazed and rest to thee forbidden quite.

Had not I need of love nor love had sought, * My heart forsure were not thus love-distraught." Such was the case with Kamar al-Zaman; but as regards his wife, the Lady Budur, when she awoke she sought her husband and found him not: then she saw her petticoat-trousers undone, for the band had been loosed and the bezel lost, whereupon she said to herself, "By Allah, this is strange!

Then she chid him tenderly and repeated the following verses: Wert thou indeed a lover true and leal, Thou hadst not suffered slumber on thee creep. O thou who feign'st to walk the ways of love, The watch of passion and desire to keep, Son of my uncle, sure the eyes of those Who're love-distraught know not the taste of sleep.

So she took the lute and playing a lively measure, sang the following verses: Right stealthily, for fearfulness, I fare, the weakling's gait, Who sees unto the watering-place two lion-whelps draw near, With cloak, instead of sword, begirt and bosom love-distraught And heart for eyes of enemies and spies fulfilled of fear, Till in to one at last I come, a loveling delicate, Like to a desert antelope, that's lost its younglings dear.

You must go a second time to enjoy the play, to shed tears over the love-distracted grandee, and die of laughing at the old Alcalde. The play is twice a success. The author, who writes it, it is said, in collaboration with one of the great poets of the day, was called before the curtain, and appeared with a love-distraught damsel on each arm, and fairly brought down the excited house.

You must go a second time to enjoy the play, to shed tears over the love-distracted grandee, and die of laughing at the old Alcalde. The play is twice a success. The author, who writes it, it is said, in collaboration with one of the great poets of the day, was called before the curtain, and appeared with a love-distraught damsel on each arm, and fairly brought down the excited house.

Thou art my search, my joy and my desire! * None save thyself shall love this heart of me: Would Heaven I knew thou knewest of my wails * Night-long and eyelids oped by memory. Bid sleep to soourn on these eyen-lids * Haply in vision I thy sight shall see. Show favour then to one thus love-distraught: * Save him from ruin by thy cruelty!