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I have dozens of such little note-books left, forming a special history of those years, for myself alone, full of associations never to be possibly said or sung. I wish I could convey to the reader the associations that attach to these soil'd and creas'd livraisons, each composed of a sheet or two of paper, folded small to carry in the pocket, and fasten'd with a pin.

And perhaps, out of all his writings, the best and the most human and convincing passages are to be found in "these soil'd and creas'd little livraisons, each composed of a sheet or two of paper, folded small to carry in the pocket, and fastened with a pin," which he scribbled during the war by the bedsides of the wounded or in the excitement of great events.

Je reprends pourtant dans ce moment meme la publication periodique des livraisons de mon histoire; elles seront envoyees chaque semaine a Mr. Burton comme a vous, et je serai bienheureux si vous me dites qu'elles vous interessent autant que les precedents volumes. Pardon, my dear Sir, de ne pas vous en dire davantage. Je suis au Val Richer jusqu'a la fin de l'annee.

Je ne suis pas du tout fatigue, ce qui semble indiquer une augmentation de force, car tu sais que les longs voyages me fatiguent generalement beaucoup. Je suis alle ce matin des 8 h. chez Delatre ou j'ai fait tirer mes planches. On fait le tirage de suite et les livraisons paraitront cette semaine.

Paris, 1802. 2 vols. folio. Description de l'Egypte, ou Recueil des Observations, &c. faites pendant l'Expédition de l'Armie Française, en 3 livraisons. Paris, 1809, &c.

And perhaps, out of all his writings, the best and the most human and convincing passages are to be found in "these soil'd and creased little livraisons, each composed of a sheet or two of paper, folded small to carry in the pocket, and fastened with a pin," which he scribbled during the war by the bedsides of the wounded or in the excitement of great events.