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She noticed that Sam always brightened up when a pretty girl was near. He used to go out often "to play cards with the boys," and Mabel twice found lipstick on his handkerchief. A nice medical student who rooms next door has now taken to dropping in to talk to Mabel. She wonders since Sam is so free and easy whether she might not also pick up a little thrill on the side.

Messalina, Locusta, Lucretia, Theodora, they step aside in this particular review of peccant women. Cleopatra, supposed to have poisoned slaves in the spirit of scientific research, or perhaps as punishment for having handed her the wrong lipstick, also is set aside.

Especially if the girl he had earmarked was one of these tough modern thugs, all lipstick and cool, hard, sardonic eyes, as she probably was. "Tell me, Jeeves," I said, wishing to know the worst, "what sort of a girl is this girl of Gussie's?" "I have not met the young lady, sir. Mr. Fink-Nottle speaks highly of her attractions." "Seemed to like her, did he?" "Yes, sir." "Did he mention her name?

Her sandy hair was completely covered by a henna wig, bobbed and crimped. Her sedate sailor hat was cocked at a rakish angle and draped with a much-ornamented veil, and mirabile dictu! a lipstick had been freely and relentlessly applied to her honest mouth and her cheeks were touched up with a paint of purplish hue.

She was blonde, lightly tanned; her face was composed, nearly immobilized, with eye shadow, liner, and rich red lipstick. She had an air of sadness that was at cross purpose to her youth and to the perfection of her makeup. She ate breakfast and left, untroubled by Joe's attention. For the thousandth time he wished he could draw, but words were his best tools.

"And tomorrow and yes." Parker drained the glass of beer he was holding. "Tomorrow." He put his glass on the bar and left. "Parker's all right. My name is Claude, by the way." "Aieee, Claude! A thin blonde with green eye shadow and exaggerated cherry red lipstick put her arms around his neck. "Excuse me, Patrick." Two young women entered and came over to the bar.

He returned to his search, beginning an inventory of the few belongings that had been in his pocket. There was a notebook, and he scanned it rapidly. A few pages were missing, and most were blank. There was only a shopping list. That puzzled him for a minute he couldn't believe he'd taken to using lipstick as well as cigarettes, though both were listed in his handwriting.

With horror Jerry saw that Cathy had been carrying a lipstick of shiny gold-colored metal. "Don't tell me you've taken to using lipstick! You trying to look like a clown?" "It's just from the dime store. To use if my lips get chapped. Take your foot off that, Jerry Martin. Oh, you've bent it," she cried. "Want me to wipe away your tears?" taunted Jerry. That was his latest favorite remark.