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The people did not agree and they said, "Five times full, if you do not have that many Lingiwan may not marry Aponibolinayen." He was so anxious to marry her that he told his parents to agree to what the people said. As soon as they agreed Langa-an used magic so that all the jars which the people wanted were already in the balaua five times full.

Iwaginan of Pindayan said, "Stop playing the gansas we are going to settle on how much they must pay for Aponibolinayen. As soon as we agree we will dance." And the people were quiet and they agreed how much Lingiwan was to pay. The father and mother of Lingiwan offered the balaua three times full of jars which are malayo and tadogan and ginlasan.

Pagbokásan was surprised, for he did not know that he had a son, and Ebang took her son, and she carried him as if he was a baby. And Lingiwan was glad, because he had met his sister during the fight and Langa-an carried him as if a baby. When they had learned that the boys who had carried the girls home were their sons they all went back to town, and their people who had been invited were there.

As soon as the agreed month to go to Kadalayanpan came, they went. As soon as they arrived there they danced for one month. Lingiwan and Aponibolinayen had their golden house, which the alan had given them. The people agreed on how much they should pay for the pakálon, and Pagatipánan and Langa-an said, "Pay just the same as we paid for Aponibolinayen when Lingiwan married her."

They did not wish to attend Balaua, but the betel-nut had grown on their heads and they had arrived very late. As soon as Lingiwan and Dangdangáyan saw them they took them back to the town. As soon as Pagatipánan knew that they were the alan who took care of the boys he summoned the people around the town. They danced for one month.

I am coming to see if you want Lingiwan for a son for he wishes to marry Aponibolinayen." Pagbokásan took her to his house and said to his wife, "Here is cousin Langa-an who came to see us." So Ebang told him that he should get some old basi for them to drink. As soon as they drank Ebang went to cook. As soon as she finished cooking they ate.

So Pagatipánan said to Pagbokásan, "Now that the pakálon is over we will take Aponibolinayen, because Lingiwan wants her now." Pagbokásan said, "Do not take her now. You come and bring Lingiwan day after tomorrow." "If that is what you say we will bring him, if you will not let us take Aponibolinayen now."

As soon as they arrived there they made the rice ceremony. When the ceremony was over Pagatipánan and Langa-an and the others went home and left Lingiwan. As soon as they arrived in Kadalayapan Langa-an asked Aponigawani if she wanted Dangdangáyan to be her husband.

So Langa-an went home and when she arrived she laid down on the porch of the house for she was drunk, and Lingiwan saw her and waked her. "What is the matter with you?" he said. "I am drunk for Pagbokásan and Ebang urged me to drink much basi, so I was scarcely able to get home, that is why I slept on the porch." "Mother, you go into the house, do not sleep on the porch."

So she went in and Lingiwan asked her the result of her visit to Kaodanan. "They accepted you and we agreed to make pakálon the day after tomorrow." So Lingiwan was glad, and went to tell the people about his marriage, and all the people prepared so that they might go. As soon as the agreed day came they went to Kaodanan and they took many pigs and basi jars.