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He was shown the chicken-yard full of gawky, half-grown chickens shedding their down and growing their feathers and forgot his feet in the fascination of scattering grain to them and watching their fluttering scrambles. He was shown the rabbit-house and allowed to take one of the limp, unresponsive little bunches of fur in his arms, and feed a lettuce-leaf into its twitching pink mouth.

And whatever else she may have been thinking of, she was almost certainly conscious that vinegared lettuce-leaf in a sandwich was a vast improvement. "Do you come here often?" he said, at length. "It is my favorite nook," she made answer. "I confess that I feel horribly like an interloper," he remarked, hesitatingly.

Two days more; and, when laid on her back, she is unable to turn over. On the fifth day, she succumbs. This time, I have exceeded the dose; the shock of receiving three stabs was too much for her. And so with the others, down to the sensitive Cricket, who, pricked once in the abdomen, recovers in one day from the painful experience and goes back to her lettuce-leaf.

Honnor Cunyngham, for her part, was quietly and contentedly munching her sandwiches of salmon and vinegared lettuce-leaf; and no such idle town-fancies were troubling her.

The Abbot had rolled ten silver crowns in a lettuce-leaf and hid them away in the bottom of his scrip, but that would be a sorry support for twelve long months. In all the darkness there was but the one bright spot of the sturdy comrades whom he had left that morning; if he could find them again all would be well. The afternoon was not very advanced, for all that had befallen him.

The three meals there were breakfast, dinner, and supper. No lettuce-leaf lunch for them. Dinner disposed of, I turned my attention to making my cabin fit to live in. The cook had his flunky sweep and scrub the floor, and then, with the aid of blankets, pictures, and draperies from my trunks, the little place began to lose its forlorn look.

Perhaps it is a temporary trouble, caused by his terrible excitement in the web. It looks as though it would soon pass. I lodge my Locusts in cages, with a lettuce-leaf to console them for their trials; but they will not be comforted. A day elapses, followed by a second. Not one of them touches the leaf of salad; their appetite has disappeared.

First you says 'cease snailin', then you says 'snail oftener, then you says 'snail elsewhere. Snails take findin'. They don't come to me; I has to go to them. It's 'ard damn 'ard. I'm a gardener, I am; not a lettuce-leaf." He gloomily withdrew. Mr. Marrapit's face was angrily twitching. The moment was not propitious for continuing her conversation, and with a little sigh Mrs. Major withdrew.

Perhaps it is a temporary trouble, caused by his terrible excitement in the web. It looks as though it would soon pass. I lodge my Locusts in cages, with a lettuce-leaf to console them for their trials; but they will not be comforted. A day elapses, followed by a second. Not one of them touches the leaf of salad; their appetite has disappeared.