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Updated: September 10, 2024

Duff in Cordelia; but I have seen too many Lears and Cordelias to be easily pleased; I thought the whole performance very bad. The theatre is of excellently moderate dimensions, and prettily decorated.

A Fair Bride is soon buskt, and a short Horse is soon wispt. A friends Dinner is soon dight. All is not in hand that helps. All the Keys of the Countrey hangs not at one Belt. An ill Cook would have a good Cleaver. As good haud, as draw. As the old Cock craws, the young Cock lears. All fails that fools thinks. A blyth heart makes a blomand visage. A gentle Horse would not be over fair spur'd.

"Did the epigram still live in his memory?" we asked. The old man seemed looking across the misty valley of time for a few moments, and then gave it without a pause: "The town have chosen different ways To praise their different Lears; To Barry they give loud applause, To Garrick only tears.

And anon as this little brachet felt a savour of Sir Tristram, she leapt upon him and licked his lears and his ears, and then she whined and quested, and she smelled at his feet and at his hands, and on all parts of his body that she might come to. Ah, my lady, said Dame Bragwaine unto La Beale Isoud, alas, alas, said she, I see it is mine own lord, Sir Tristram.

But the fact, that in the very rudest and most faulty plays in this collection of plays, which form so important a department of the works of this school, which make indeed the noblest tradition, the only adequate tradition, the 'illustrated tradition' of its noblest doctrine the fact that in the very earliest germ of this new union of 'practic and theoric, of art and learning, from which we pluck at last Advancements of Learning, and Hamlets, and Lears, and Tempests, and the Novum Organum, already the perilous secret of this union is infolded, already the entire organism that these great fruits and flowers will unfold in such perfection is contained, and clearly traceable, this is a fact which appeared to require insertion in this history, and not, perhaps, without some illustration.

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